Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3826: War tire yuan!

Xiao Yu's figure suddenly turned into a **** light, and immediately rushed towards Peng Xiu.

The murderous intent in Peng Xiu's eyes skyrocketed every inch, and the aura on his body exploded again, and the power of the fetal origin realm's cultivation was like a volcanic eruption.

"Let me understand, the son of Shura is so powerful."

Peng Xiu's figure shook, and he was also controlling the power of heaven and earth, and suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yu.

"Boom boom boom!"

Finally, the two figures collided with each other, amidst the constant collision sounds, one after another surprising fluctuations began to not only sweep out.

Xiao Yu and Peng Xiu's battle, the latter was naturally different from the previous Qiu Guang.

Qiu Guang's strength was limited to the psychic realm, but Peng Xiu can now use the cultivation base of the fetal element realm!

In addition, he has been silent for so long, and now he can finally start!

And this person is from the Asura clan!

What you need to know is that Pengxiu's age is more than a hundred years old, and his combat consciousness, combat experience, secret methods, spiritual arts, etc., are even more powerful than Qiu Guang.

The two afterimages constantly collided, and the speed of the body technique made people feel palpitation.

Because of the collision of power, Ling's space kept banging loudly.

It was the unstable vibration of the space, and even the signs of cracks in the space.

People on the outside simply can't feel the battle inside.

However, Yanyue was affected by the shock of the flesh.

Had it not been for her good background, she would have been shocked long ago.

"Xiao Yu, you have to win!"

Yanyue prayed in her heart, only to see the soul-relief flags floating in front of her, she needed to maintain the flags, but it could not last too long.


Xiao Yu slammed Peng Xiu's shoulder with a punch, and Peng Xiu's whole body instantly stopped flying.

After being dragged a hundred meters from the ground, Peng Xiucai stabilized his figure in front of him.

His shoulders are already sunken.

"Hehe, kid, do you have this strength?"

There seemed to be some mockery in Pengxiu's eyes.

Xiao Yu didn't say a word, he just punched it again.

The fist shadow was like an angry dragon coming out, the space finally couldn't bear it, and white cracks began to appear. It is conceivable how much Xiao Yu's power urged.

"Huh!" Pengxiu smiled disdainfully.

He opened his mouth and vomited, and then a burst of rainbow light suddenly swept into the air, and then suddenly dispersed, turned into a big colorful hand, and it fell in the air.

This colorful big hand was so terrible, Xiao Yu's fist style was broken on the way down, which directly caused Xiao Yu's legs to sink into the ground.

Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at this colorful hand, his eyes suddenly shot out two blood-colored lights, and the two lights suddenly began to burn in the air, and then turned into a huge sea of ​​blood!



Qi Cai's hand was suddenly wiped out by a sea of ​​blood, and Peng Xiu's pupils shrank.

This is a secret technique that he has cultivated in his body for decades. Although the power is still suppressed by the law, it can already reach the level of earth-level spiritualism!

He is confident that even if it is the fetal elementary realm, he will be killed!

But it was broken by Xiao Yu!

It was too late, it was soon, Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the sea of ​​blood in the sky began to violently roll, and then a blood sword as large as hundreds of meters was condensed, and it rushed down from midair.



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