Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3845: Stream fishing

When the light began to annihilate, after a long while, Xiao Yu and Yanyue reacted.

Yanyue found that she was hugged by a warm embrace, which made her feel safe.

And when she slowly opened her eyes, she found her head pressed against a large chest.


A gentle voice came into Yanyue's ears, Yanyue was agitated, and immediately pushed forward.

Yanyue suddenly discovered that the person in front of him was Xiao Yu.

And her cheeks rose with two blushes.

But Yanyue quickly recovered and was taken aback: "Are we not dead?"

When Yanyue looked at the smile on Xiao Yu's face, she moved in her heart and said, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yu looked around, surrounded by a fresh bamboo forest.

"It seems that this is the last place for good fortune." Xiao Yu said.

"You knew it?" Yanyue asked.

"I don't know, but when the spatial turbulence is about to kill me, I know we can't die." Xiao Yu said.

It turned out that when the spatial turbulence started to swallow Xiao Yu and the others, Xiao Yu found that his mind was enveloped by a kind of magical power.

Finally came here.

"This is the way of heaven and no one." Xiao Yu sighed.

I thought that there were two plane hunters, Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang, and most of this good fortune was not available. Who would have thought that good fortune was always there and saved their lives.

The so-called not dying in a catastrophe must be blessed, so Xiao Yu also played some jokes on Yanyue.

Yanyue glanced at Xiao Yu and said, "So you know we won't die."

Thinking of Xiao Yu's overbearing way of pulling her at the last moment, Yanyue felt a little bitter and sweet.

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "Let's go and see."

What you need to know is that this wreckage secret realm was left by the Demon God, and it was still the Demon God Temple outside, but it was so fresh and peach blossom inside, which made Xiao Yu a little surprised.

However, Xiao Yu didn't dare to be too careless, and he was observing the surroundings while walking.

After walking for about ten minutes, I walked through the bamboo forest. There was a small stream in front of me. There was a built-up platform next to the stream, and one person seemed to be fishing by the stream.

"You are here."

The man turned around and was a kind middle-aged man.

The face of the middle-aged person is as ruddy as a baby, and he looks like a forty or fifty year old.

And this face can't make people think that this person is a magic repairer at all.

Yes, it goes without saying that you can guess that this person must be the **** who cultivates demons.

To be honest, even Xiao Yu was a little nervous.

After all, this is the former demon god!

Although this was not a true body, but just a remnant consciousness, Xiao Yu also believed that if this person killed himself, he would have nowhere to survive.

This back figure took a look at himself, and nodded slightly so casually, and then looked at Yanyue next to him.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt embarrassed. How could he see Yanyue's eyes different from his own!

"You are a member of the Gintama clan."

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, as expected!

Just because Yanyue’s family is a demon-cultivating family, so is it treated differently!

This is too unfair!

I walked here with the bodies of a lot of elite geniuses!


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