Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3850: Cherjan

In an instant, Xiao Yu was completely moved.

"What demon world, Shura world?" Xiao Yu asked quickly.

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "This is a very remote thing for you. Because this is not just a problem in the Nine Heavens World."

It seemed that even Yanyue had only heard about this, but the more it happened, the more Xiao Yu wanted to know.

Then the middle-aged man looked at Xiao Yu and said, "When you reach a certain level, you will naturally know, including everything."

Xiao Yu was silent, all of this was because he was too small.

"Senior, is there no other way?" Yanyue said suddenly.

Yanyue said that, naturally it was a pity for Xiao Yu, but the middle-aged man smiled and said, "Girl, this person has a lot to do with you! I think so for his sake."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but glance at Yanyue, feeling a little warm in his heart.

Yanyue also blushed a bit, but she still bit her red lips, and said, "Xiao Yu is not easy to get to this step, and this kind of good luck can't be met, I don't want him to come back empty-handed..."

Speaking of the latter, Yanyue's voice seemed to become even lower, and Xiao Yu's heart throbbed.

Few people think so for their own sake, but Yanyue is one.

Speaking of which, when she was above the hall, Yanyue risked her life to carry it for her!

"Senior, it's better to give Yanyue this good fortune, after all, there is nothing more suitable than her." Xiao Yu said sincerely.

"Xiao Yu!" Yanyue was taken aback. She never expected that Xiao Yu would give herself this good fortune.

"Oh? Are you sure?" The middle-aged man seemed to smile, "This is not a good fortune, this girl got it, and the chances of being able to touch the gods will be greater in the future, and you are the same, you just gave up so easily?"

No one doesn't want the good fortune of the gods, what kind of good fortune is this?

But Xiao Yu easily said it to Yanyue.

Yanyue said solemnly: "I don't want it."

"Huh?" Xiao Yu frowned.

Yanyue could feel that Xiao Yu really wanted to give it to herself.

However, it is impossible to say that he is not moved, but Yanyue knows even better that Xiao Yu used his life to come back!

Yanyue solemnly said: "This is the good fortune you obtained with your own hands. It is your thing, not mine. Even if I get this good fortune, the gods will not come to me too much, because I believe Everything has a cause and effect, everything has a definite number, it’s yours, yours, and it’s mine. There is no escape."

Xiao Yu couldn't help being moved, and he didn't expect Yanyue to say such a thing.

But this proved Yanyue's perseverance and arrogant character.

This made Xiao Yu look at Yanyue with more respect.

It is very rare to be able to be not greedy, not greedy for merit, or even the slightest desire for profit in the face of huge temptations.

"Hahaha! Two really interesting little guys, you are really good match! Don't need one, don't need the other, then my good fortune, don't you want to follow my consciousness with the wind?" The middle-aged man laughed.

This is naturally a joke. Then, the middle-aged man waved his hand and said, "But I still have another method. This method has been tried by someone once and it succeeded. I don't know if you want to try it?"

After all, the middle-aged man smiled and looked at Xiao Yu.

"Senior refers to?"

"Do you also have Buddhism in your body?"


"That's good, you can combine Buddhist Dao and Magic Dao."


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