Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3859: God of War Mind

Qiongqi didn't speak, but Xiao Yu had already guessed it.

The age of the gods is now more than tens of thousands of years, or even 100,000 years, maybe decades.

I'm afraid that people today don't know the legend so long.

And at the very beginning, how crazy the Asura clan was!

One family is enough to face the entire nine-day world!

And no one knows the specific battles, even the ancient fierce beasts such as Qiongqi and the Golden Winged Roc cannot be involved in the battle of the gods, but it will destroy the world with one breath!

But what is certain is that after that, the Asura family's vitality is greatly injured, and even the Asura **** may have fallen.

So it didn't appear in the mid-term battle between gods and demons.

Because the battle between gods and demons is a battle between demons and ordinary humans.

But the Shura clan is always strong, and after tens of thousands of years of cultivation, it finally recovered.

But because the Shura clan was too abnormal, Nine Heavens World once again extended a malicious hand to them.

Until now, the whereabouts of the Asura clan is unknown, and may even have been annihilated.

Even so, his mother didn't know where he was, and his father didn't know where he was trapped, let alone why he was trapped.

Qiongqi and Golden Wing Dapeng are on Yunpeng Island on the lower plane, and the other is sealed in the magic weapon as a weapon spirit. How could they know what happened during these thousand years?

"Of course, boy, your Asura clan is involved in a wide range of talents, longevity, or even certain secrets, etc., and it must not be treated with common sense, including your status as the son of Asura." Qiongqi said here, It just didn't continue.

And Xiao Yu had heard too many words "son of Shura", and all he knew was that he was now a person with the blood of the Shura clan.

Back to Xiao Yu's body.

The shadow of the **** Shura transformed by the consciousness in Xiao Yu's bloodline seemed to be unconscious, and only appeared due to a subjective crisis.


The shadow of the black demon **** suddenly bombarded the **** Shura in the sky.

As for the **** Shura, after feeling the crisis, he was unwilling to show weakness and directly suppressed it.


The two kept colliding, and countless bombing sounds and vibrations vibrated in the world in Xiao Yu's body.

Although it was just a potential collision of consciousness, Xiao Yu was able to sense how terrifying and huge that power was.

Plus, it's always inside his body!

Under such a collision, Xiao Yu's internal organs instantly turned over the river, and the seven holes were filled with blood.

Outside Yanyue saw Xiao Yu's whole person showing an expression of pain, and she was suddenly shocked. She seemed to want to rush to protect Xiao Yu's law.

"Girl, don't go over, this is a hurdle for this kid. You can't use the power of outsiders. You stand aside. If he can't make it through, his entire body and soul will be swallowed by the consciousness of the magical way." A solemn voice sounded in Yanyue's mind.

The Golden Winged Roc was to remind Xiao Yu: "Boy, although the consciousness of this Shura God is not under your control, it comes from your bloodline. While you must guard your spiritual platform, you must also defeat your enemies! Swallow it, fuse it! Otherwise you will fall into a dead end!"


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