Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3893: Similar attributes

To be honest, Xiao Yu was a little surprised to obtain the Black Flame's Heart Flame inheritance in such a way.

Because when he was halfway through, Hei Yan obviously didn't feel anything about him.

It was as if someone had been stimulated, and suddenly changed his mind, which made Xiao Yu unexpected.

But for him, as long as the result is good, then it is good.

Chu Dongmen felt a little moved, and murmured: "Teacher, I finally passed on the mantle of Hei Yanfeng."

Chu Dongmen's expression immediately recovered his calmness, and he looked at Xiao Yu and said, "But this is only the first step. To what extent you can cultivate Black Flame depends on your understanding."

Xiao Yu nodded, and he found that the black flame at this moment was actually fused with his soul, just like a soul contract.

Looking at the black flame on his palm, it was like his own child.

"This is the most primitive state of Xin Yan. Now that you have obtained the black flame inheritance, then you don't need to cultivate the black flame tactic, you just need to cultivate this black flame with your heart."

Xiao Yu nodded. To be honest, he didn't feel the shock or power that this little black flame brought to him for the time being.

After all, he is also a person who has used black flames, so he knows how powerful these black flames are.

Chu Dongmen seemed to see Xiao Yu's thoughts, and said, "Don't worry, Heiyan grows very quickly, but Heiyan's attributes are a bit special. It is a fusion of fire attributes and dark attributes, so fire attributes and The energy of the dark attribute is the most helpful to it."

Xiao Yu was stunned. No wonder the black flame smell gave people a gloomy and cold feeling.

But this gloomy coldness didn't look like that evil, dark power aura.

The energy of the fire attribute was originally passionate, hard, and positive. It turned out that this "yang" side was faded, and then combined with the power of the dark attribute.

"Huh? In this way..."

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and Qiong Qi said indifferently: "Boy, you are the queen mother. Half of the attributes of this black flame are the same as yours."

Xiao Yu smiled secretly, yes, he almost couldn't feel it.

Perhaps Heiyan is too weak for the time being.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

Chu Dongmen saw Xiao Yu look dumbfounded and thoughtful, and asked, "Xiao Yu, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Yu reacted and said, "Oh, no, I'm thinking about how to protect this black flame."

Chu Dongmen nodded and said, "You really want to protect it, because the black flame is fused with your soul, and when the soul dies, the black flame will die."

Xiao Yu nodded. Because of this, the former Black Flame Peak Master was connected with the black flames and the spirits.

"Master Chu, don't worry, I will inherit Hei Yanfeng well." Xiao Yu promised heavily.

Chu Dongmen nodded and flipped his hand. Even though a fiery red spar appeared, Xiao Yu sensed a very pure fire attribute energy inside.

"This is a kind of flint, which is limited to our Cangling Academy. You can go to the'Holding Mountain' of our Academy to practice tomorrow."

"Hanling Mountain?"

"This is a long time ago, before a peak owner with an ice attribute and a **** pattern attribute on the formation spirit peak, he used his lifelong soul power to condense a formation method. This formation method can release the coldness of the cold spirit mountain. Out, and then converted into pure energy for absorption."

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and said, "The function of the formation method should be to gather the energy of this cold spirit mountain, prevent it from dissipating, and transform it into pure energy. But fundamentally, it must be this mountain. This is a mountain. Lingquan Mountains?"

Chu Dongmen's eyes admired, but Xiao Yu didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so careful.

And don't forget, Xiao Yu is also a soul cultivator.

"Strictly speaking, Hanling Mountain is the sixth main peak."

Xiao Yu was moved when he said this.


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