Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3901: Joint targeting (below)

A young man came out from the crowd.

The young man's eyes were piercing, and there was a powerful wave emanating from his body.

Guo Xuandan!

This person appeared when Tang Linger came to the academy, and also appeared outside the alchemy pavilion.

Unexpectedly it was him!

Although Xiao Yu knew that someone was making trouble for him, he just didn't expect it to be this guy.

There were a total of two hundred people present, almost all of them were Grade C students, and very few of them were Grade B students.

Many of them are better than Guo Xuandan, but they disdain to challenge Xiao Yu.

Because their strength is very strong, at least in the Three Spirit Realm, or even surpassing the Three Spirit Realm, this kind of strength came out and questioned Xiao Yu, whether it was rational or selfish.

Logically, this is the school's rules and they have no right to change.

Selfishly, they are so much stronger than Xiao Yu, and challenge the weak with a strong attitude? Isn't this bullying?

But if Guo Xuandan came forward, it would be the best.

"These guys seem to have planned for a long time. This person has been pushed to be a white mouse." Tang Linger said lightly.

Luo Feng was a little angry, but he didn't understand, and asked, "Sister Ling'er, what do you say?"

Tang Linger said: "He is a second-class student, and he should be the bottom of the second-class students. The other people are much stronger than Xiao Yu. If he comes forward, even if he succeeds in preventing Xiao Yu, he will be said He used the big to bully the small, but compared to other B-level students, he received very little scolding."

"Furthermore, when Xiao Yu came out of the five major seminaries, his talent and strength have always been questioned by them. This person is a realm higher than Xiao Yu. If there is real material, this challenge will appear fair. ."

Tang Ling'er is indeed Bingxue smart, seeing Wei Zhizhi, analytically let Luo Feng secretly stunned.

Luo Feng obviously reacted and said, "That's damning! But even so, Brother Yu is just as good as the womb in the original stage! Guo Xuandan is the early stage of the first spirit stage, this is a whole realm!"

Given the existence of Xiao Yu's talents, they thought that Xiao Yu could leapfrog a challenge, so it was excusable.

After all, being able to smash a **** path among so many geniuses in the five great temples, how could it be comparable to ordinary people?

But this is not just transcending one level, it is transcending three levels, one realm!

"It must be this old guy who is making trouble!" Luo Feng couldn't see it, as if he wanted a theory, but Tang Linger stopped him.

"Xiao Yu will be able to deal with the situation, but you used to fall into the tongue."

Tang Ling'er looked at the calm Xiao Yu, with curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

Yes, Tang Linger hasn't seen Xiao Yu make a move for too long.

The secret of Xiao Yu's body is actually no less than hers, she knows this.

In the five great temples, several genius children of big families stood out. If Tang Linger didn't dare to be interested, it would be impossible.

Don't even look at Luo Feng. Although Brother Yu is very humble before and after Brother Yu, he also believes in a person who sees is believable and has the highest strength.

This is not the previous one behind the other, but in his opinion, the challenge of a transition to a realm is too difficult.

Therefore, he was also worried for Xiao Yu.

"Guo Xuandan seems to have taken a shot a long time ago, and he really caught the opportunity today!"

"Why did you catch the opportunity? Did Elder Zhang happen to be here today?"

"Hey, this kid is really possible, I'm afraid he's throwing himself into the net."


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