Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3940: Counterattack (Part 1)

As Xiao Yu slapped the ground with a palm, a burst of light suddenly blasted from the six corners of the six-pointed star array, and then gathered on the blueprint.

An invisible energy enveloped the blueprint, and the green light began to vibrate violently.

Together with Xiao Yu's consciousness also began to vibrate.

Obviously, this drawing is still trying to escape.

And Xiao Yu's thoughts are very weak. He wants to connect with the sixth thought to control the power of the space law, and then use the space formation sealing technique.

Therefore, this is a very big test of ideas for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu only felt that his soul consciousness was about to be pulled out.

Of course, in fact, the sixth child is also very difficult.

Although he has some insights into the power of the law of space, the use of this space seal technique is a great consumption.

In addition, his spirit and will have weakened a lot during the four hours of urging.

Now it is necessary to prevent the escape of the drawings. It has to be said that this is the biggest difficulty encountered by the sixth in this life.

Because now it has aroused the resistance of the drawings!

If the blueprint escaped and contacted the suppressed monster, then they would be sinners!

What you need to know is that the former dean even used his own life to suppress this monster, but now?

They don't have the power of the dean, how can they live in repression?

Of course, the current nature is different from before.

Because now it is Xiao Yu's consciousness that is dominant.

Therefore, the resistance of the drawings will not be too violent.

But even so, the reaction of the drawings surpassed Lao Liuhe Buyun's imagination.

Unbelievably, if the original dean touched this blueprint, wouldn't this reaction be several times stronger than it is now?

The green light on the drawing is constantly being suppressed and converged, but the drawing seems to break free from the shackles of the seal formation.

Bu Yun at the door of the stone room naturally didn't dare to neglect, he quickly urged the power of his whole body to apply the light mask of this protector.

But his face is also very solemn.

He thought he knew very well that if his guardian's light mask encountered resistance from this blueprint, it would basically be unable to stop this blueprint.

Just now is the best proof.

It's just that it can block it for a while, it's a moment.

And at this moment, who knew that the lines on the drawings started to flicker.

Those lines are a road map.

Who knows, the moment this pattern flashed, Xiao Yu's mind also appeared at the same time!

"this is……"

Xiao Yu was taken aback. He knew this drawing.

When I first got it, I was still absorbed in spiritual power, but now I have a route in my mind?

Before Xiao Yu had time to make a specific identification, the green light on the drawing began to flash again.

A kind of terrifying power is directly the guardian mask that shattered Bu Yun.


Bu Yun's blood spurted out wildly, and at the same time, the youngest pupil shrank, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

Immediately afterwards, the blueprint actually began to fly out slowly towards the outside of the stone chamber!

This is because even this space seal formation cannot restrain it!

Xiao Yu's expression changed drastically. Although he was led by consciousness, most of his efforts were still the sixth!

"Boy, stop it!" Old Liu's face was extremely pale, as if he was holding back his injuries.


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