Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3943: Seal of Success (Part 2)

Everyone was already heartbroken, and they were shocked when they saw this scene.

They didn't even know what was going on, and then they sensed a strange energy, and then they saw the blue light as if it had been forcibly suppressed, and then returned.

And at this moment, the sixth eldest hurriedly shouted: "Boy, hurry up! Seal it all at once!!"

In fact, Xiao Yu didn't know what happened just now, he only knew that Tianmu Branch was helping.

There were so many things that happened during the period, and even he couldn't react to it.

The most urgent task now is to seal this thing!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly opened, and the magic seal was activated again, the power of countless laws of space began to operate, and the sealing technique was activated again.



Xiao Yu folded his hands together, and in an instant, the six horns on the six-pointed star array shot out a ray of light at the same time, and then shot on the blueprint at the same time.

In the next second, the blueprint shook, and the green light completely dissipated, and then hovered quietly in the air, motionless.

After completing this, Xiao Yu felt that a force began to withdraw from his body, and then he felt a sense of exhaustion throughout his body, and then he fell to the ground.

Shishi began to return to silence, the sixth child, Bu Yun, Cheng Chuan, Tutsi and others also slowly stood up.

All four of them suffered injuries of varying degrees, and they all had lingering fears, looking solemnly at the floating drawings.

If it were known that four people at the elder level of Cangling Academy were injured at the same time, or it was caused by this blueprint, this would definitely shock everyone.

You know, how powerful the four of them are, they are all able to belong to the second-rate existence in the world of Nine Heavens!

But even so, even a drawing can't be suppressed.

After a long while, the people came to a sense of relief, and when they were sure that the blueprint would no longer resist, they finally came over.

Xiao Yu also climbed up very hard.

"What the **** happened!" Tusi's face was very ugly.

In terms of status, he is the master of Yifeng, and he is naturally bigger than Chengchuan, the sixth, and the step Yun.

In terms of strength, Tutsi is also the strongest.

Of course, when it comes to private education, the relationship between the four is relatively good.

However, as the peak master, Tutsinai is responsible for the safety of Cangling Academy.

This matter is already beyond his ability.

He is not accountable now, but to know what happened.

Bu Yun sighed and said the incident.

Tuxi and Chengchuan stared at Xiao Yu, this guy again!

Bu Yun said, "Xiao Yu was not at fault with this matter, he also got it accidentally. Now that the drawings have flowed out, we must seal it up."

"And if it weren't for Xiao Yu, none of us could bear this curse."

Tuxi and Cheng Chuan took a deep breath. Of course, they didn't mean to blame Xiao Yu, but they didn't expect that everything had something to do with Xiao Yu.

And they knew even better that to some extent, it was Xiao Yu who saved Cangling Academy.

And Tutsi and Cheng Chuan's biggest purpose for staring at Xiao Yu was because what Xiao Yu did just now shocked them.

"Xiao Yu, what did you do just now?" Cheng Chuan asked solemnly.

They obviously sensed that it was a very powerful force, and this force could actually go against the blueprint!

And it still appeared on Xiao Yu! !

How is this possible?

Of course Xiao Yu knew that it was Tianmu Branch, but he still shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Cheng Chuan, Tutsi, Sixth, Bu Yun, the four of them are not ordinary people, how could Xiao Yu's lies be kept from them?

"The sealing technique has cut its connection, Xiao Yu, you should go back first." Bu Yun said.


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