Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3958: Bu Jingming

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly, he really didn't know it was such a big noise.

Even if one of his lecturers targeted him, he didn't expect to cooperate with other lecturers.

"I didn't expect that a native of the Cangling City family would be so capable." Xiao Yu sneered.

Luo Feng said: "Yes! More than half of the people in Cangling Academy itself were born from Cangling City. Except for the children of a large family outside, the so-called talented children of ordinary families can't see it. "

The so-called general family is a relative term.

These "general families" are also the largest families in their respective planes and regions.

It's just that, naturally, it is much inferior to the children of the real higher-level higher planes of the big family.

In addition, the fact that so many people traveled far and wide to the five major temples almost faded away the aura of genius they had in their family at the time.

As local children, they have natural advantages, regardless of talent, strength, or cohesion, so their strength is certainly not small.

As for this, Xiao Yu seemed to have taken it off.

Xiao Yu looked at Tang Ling'er, this girl seemed to be smiling and waiting for her answer.

"Well, it's okay to go and see, I don't have to be on the court, and the monster beasts of the bloodline can also see what it is."

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and finally answered.

Then the three of them headed towards the place of the arena.

The beast arena is actually a place vacated under a certain mountain in Cangling Academy, which is used by these local students in Cangling City as a venue for their own monster beast partners to compete and earn flint stone.

It can be said that this field was originally used by these local students to compete between monsters and beasts. Over time, an alternative way of earning flint was formed in Cangling Academy.

Of course, whether it is a low-level or a high-level plane, although everyone can find a monster beast as their partner, you must know that a monster beast is also distinguished between an innate monster and an acquired monster.

But the innate monsters are too difficult to find, basically you are looking for the innate monsters.

Moreover, even if you find the innate monster beast, you don't necessarily need a soul contract, because everyone yearns for a higher level and higher strength, so they will look for a higher bloodline level.

Undoubtedly, the bloodline of the monster beast is already very high.

Even if it is the bottom of the list, it is enough to make the disciples of the A, B, C, and third-class colleges and even the main peak covet and crazy.

A lot of people have gathered in the beast arena, and those who are cultivating in Hanling Mountain also ran midway to watch the excitement.

The venue is as large as 800 meters, and there is already a figure inside, and there is also a four-legged monster beast that is over 30 meters in size.

Seeing this monster beast, Xiao Yu had a familiar feeling, of course, the familiar was the size of this monster beast.

Just because the monster beast has snow-white hair all over, the most peculiar thing is that it has a pair of wings.

The wings were folded on the back and looked extremely noble.

The eyes of that pair of wolves were filled with a mighty and awe-inspiring aura, and the people around were surprised when they saw the two-winged wolf.

This is the demon beast of the bloodline!

And it's still in childhood!

"This is the Cloud Winged Wolf, ranking eighty-seven on the ground list."


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