Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3965: Brain Field (Part 2)

When this figure appeared in the middle of the venue, everyone present was taken aback, even set Jingming was taken aback.

Who is that?

"Brother Yu...?"

At this moment, Luo Feng was stunned on the spot, a gust of wind blew by just now, and then Xiao Yu next to him disappeared.

In the next second, he appeared in the Colosseum field.

When they reacted, Luo Feng, Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu's face changed slightly.

What the **** is this guy doing! ?

Yes, Xiao Yu actually rushed out!

This completely exceeded their expectations.

"This guy, finally can't help it!" Tang Linger smiled softly.

She had felt the change in Xiao Yu's expression just now.

She knows Xiao Yu's character very well.

Perhaps it was because he had more experience growing up than others, so in Tang Linger's view, Xiao Yu had a young and mature attitude in it.

But this guy is definitely not a little old man.

Although Xiao Yu was not an injustice, he was also a man with a sense of justice and blood.

It was the sense of justice and blood that made Xiao Yu burst out with such great energy and courage when fighting, and it was often shocking.

The fighting blood burned in Xiao Yu's heart was warm!

This is also where Tang Linger appreciates Xiao Yu.

"It's this kid!"

Seeing this person, the local children of Cangling City frowned, and Pang Kaiyu's eyes were even more dread.

"The guy who is looking for death! He even dared to break into Ming's place!"

None of the people present didn't know Xiao Yu. For this guy who walked through the back door and was the main peak disciple when he came to the upper court, it was impossible to say that no one was jealous.

As early as in the lower court, Xiao Yu's name spread throughout the upper court.

Especially the local children of Cangling City are eager to try this guy.

"Xiao Yu!?" Du Jun was slightly surprised when he saw him.

Why did Xiao Yu run up?

Fu Jingming had never met Xiao Yu himself, but he had also heard of this name.

"Are you Xiao Yu?"

"Not bad." Xiao Yu answered lightly.

Fu Jingming couldn't help showing a playful color in his eyes, and said faintly: "You really have the courage! Don't think that you won't be lawless if you get the first place in the five college entrance exam, can it be that you don't even look at me? "

There is a cold color in the calm tone of Bu Jingming.

However, with his strength, he naturally does not need to have general knowledge with such a guy.

Besides, how about this guy even if he is a disciple of the main peak?

Is he his opponent?

It was just a more powerful Fetal Origin Realm, he didn't care about it at all.

It was just that Xiao Yu's sudden appearance made him feel very upset.

"How dare I not let you in my eyes, I just took things from Brother Du."

Xiao Yu overturned the cloth bag in his hand and said, "The five hundred flint stones belong to Senior Brother Du. Since you said no, I will take it back for Senior Brother Du. Is this all right?"

Set Jingming's expression stagnated, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

Five hundred flint stones are almost all of his belongings for Fu Jingming. How many tasks are needed?

And five hundred flint stones can be cultivated in Hanling Mountain for more than one year.

It must be false to say that he is not tempted.

"Boy, this was won by Brother Ming, why would you intervene!?"


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