Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3978: Weird Girl in Blue (Part 2)

Of course Xiao Yu's face was full of surprise, this young girl was too inexplicable.

I didn't have any friends when I came to the main peak. How could I know her?

"It doesn't matter if you know me or not, as long as I know you." The blue-clothed girl looked up and down Xiao Yu earnestly.

"It turns out that you are really as rumored, only the fetal elementary stage! The strength is a bit weak!" The blue-clothed girl was a little surprised.

"But the body is quite okay, it would be better to be stronger."

Xiao Yu felt like a monkey, being stared at so closely, and then commented.

Xiao Yu was amused, where did this girl come from?

"Girl, this is Heiyanfeng, you have to play with yourself, I have no time to accompany you."

Xiao Yu was just about to leave this peak, and immediately muttered in his heart: inexplicable.

The blue-clothed girl snorted coldly, and said: "It's really unbelievable! I kindly remind you of your shortcomings and let you practice hard next time, otherwise the guys will definitely not let you go."

"Thank you for your reminder, I can't stand it." Xiao Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

This guy is so funny, you are not as big as me! Also point me!

And what kind of reminder you are!

It is simply more criticism.

The blue-clothed girl saw that Xiao Yu hadn't taken what she said as a matter. She rolled her eyes and suddenly said indifferently: "I still really doubt whether what those people said is true or not. They said that Master Chu gave it to you Some secret methods, so you can defeat the Cloud Winged Wolf in the Beast Arena. If this is the case, then I am too disappointed in you."

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "If you think what they said is true, just trust them. I didn't explain anything. Besides, I don't know you. What does your disappointment with me have to do with me?"

The girl in blue was so angry that she let out an anger.

"I don't know what to do, today your sister, I will teach you! Let you know why the flowers are so red!"

After all, the vitality and blood strength of the blue-clothed girl suddenly rose, and Xiao Yu only felt as if a huge boulder was crushed over his back.

Xiao Yu became a little moved, and the Jinshi flash technique urged him to dodge to the side.


Suddenly, an explosive sound came from where Xiao Yu was standing just now. Xiao Yu was slightly startled, watching the blue-clothed girl punch.

That kind of bizarre blue energy, the blue-clothed girl punched out, the air was extremely compressed, and an extremely powerful physical aura was released.

"Physical practitioner!"

This blue girl turned out to be a person who specializes in cultivating the flesh! ?

how is this possible?

This is in sharp contrast with the image of a girl!

It seemed that the girl was more like a cultivator using the soft method.

However, Xiao Yu recovered quickly and stared at the girl in blue.

"Dodge is still quite fast! But I haven't used my full strength yet. If I use my full strength, you won't be able to dodge." The blue girl's big eyes flickered slightly, and she looked a little excited.

"Girl, who are you, I didn't offend you." Xiao Yu snorted coldly.

The aura on this girl's body was heavy and deep, and her shots were also very decisive. The most important thing was that Xiao Yu found a faint, but somewhat familiar aura in this girl's body.

Yes, this breath is not something, but the power of the gods!


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