Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3980: Help each other (on)

The blue-clothed girl couldn't help but exclaimed and looked at Xiao Yu with big eyes in disbelief.

She is very clear about the existence of her own power, although it is not very stable, but it is far from what ordinary people can sense!

This must be perception, or a person who has extremely high attainments in physical cultivation, to be able to know!

Even though he defeated the girl in blue, Xiao Yu didn't feel that he had any advantage or the upper hand.

Because he knew that the girl in blue just didn't use her full strength.

A person who cultivates the physical body tempers flesh and blood, bones, muscles, veins, flesh and so on.

It is true that the blue-clothed girl has a good method of refining the body, but when boosting the momentum, Xiao Yu obviously felt the discontinuity of the blue-clothed girl's aura.

This is because the cultivation method is not strong, or it is caused by some loopholes.

"Your body-refining method is very high, but you have not been in contact for long, right? You have three meridians on your arm, and there are at least eight meridians in the internal organs, but you haven't gotten through."

"how do you know?"

The blue-clothed girl widened her eyes, and said incredibly, "How did you feel it?"

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "The body refining methods in the world are all the same. Unless some monster beasts use body refining methods, they will temper their bodies in extreme situations."

"Since you can sense it, you must be able to help me make up for my body training loopholes, right?"

The blue-clothed girl ran over immediately, blinking at Xiao Yu, as if she had completely forgotten the matter of beating someone with her hands just now.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, how could this girl turn her face faster than a book.

"Based on your cultivation base, you must have a teacher you habitually teach, even the peak master, and you won't be able to turn me." Xiao Yu said mercilessly as if he saw the blue-clothed girl.

The blue-clothed girl was able to come up here at Heiyanfeng casually, and her status was definitely not low.

In addition, the strength of this girl is not low, so the most likely disciple of the main peak.

Did Xiao Yu plan to instruct others? After all, the other party had his own senior brothers and teachers and even the peak master to guide him. What was he?

If you go to guide you, isn’t it said that even the peak master is not as good as yourself?

In addition, the girl in blue went over the teacher or the peak owner to find someone outside for guidance, this is not justified!

The other is that I don’t know this girl yet!

The blue-clothed girl said eagerly: "Brother Xiao Yu, you can do it, Master and his elders asked me to explore it by myself, but I have been groping for a long time, and it hasn’t been long before my ‘strange power’ pattern has been awakened!"

"What **** pattern?" Xiao Yu was startled.

The blue-clothed girl turned red and said, "I don't know what the **** pattern is called, my brothers all call it strange force **** pattern like that."

"Weird power... God pattern?" Xiao Yu became dull, what the **** was this?

He froze for a long while, then looked at the girl in blue.

I saw that the latter was full of anger, and immediately stared at Xiao Yu, and said angrily: "What's so funny? I don't want to! I only awakened the **** pattern very later. I used to practice the physical body before, otherwise. Do you think you can beat me?"

After all, he folded his hands and looked very angry.

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "I didn't seem to laugh at you, it's just that you feel that you are laughed at."

Immediately, Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Let me say, if you really don’t like your **** pattern so much, you would have used other powers to attack me with all your strength, and I won’t be your opponent. If you come today, I’m afraid not. Just come to trouble me."


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