Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3982: Huo Zhe (Part 1)

After the blue girl left, Tang Linger walked up.

"It seems you have found a partner." Tang Linger said lightly.

Xiao Yu was a little surprised, and immediately grinned, and said, "Ling'er, it's just right that you are here. Go to Wan Beast Tower to have a meal tonight."

"So, don't you plan to let me go?" Tang Linger glanced at Xiao Yu.

"Um..." Xiao Yu stagnated.

In fact, Xiao Yu really didn't plan to tell Tang Ling'er.

"I haven't been to Pingshan Continent either. I just can go for a walk."

Leaving this sentence, Tang Linger turned around and left, very indifferent, but very decisive.

Although Xiao Yu and Tang Linger had not been fighting side by side for a long time, he still knew that it was just an excuse to say that he hadn't been to Pingshan Continent. The important thing was that Tang Linger didn't want to see himself taking risks!

The next day.

Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er waited under the Black Flame Peak, and the girl in blue and her three senior brothers arrived.

Seeing Tang Ling'er, the blue-clothed girl's eyes lit up, she hurriedly moved over and said, "Wow, this must be sister Ling'er, sister looks so bright!"

Compared with the blue-clothed girl, Tang Ling'er should appear mature. Of course, although she would not be close to strangers, she is definitely not a natural person.

On the contrary, it was the blue-clothed girl who grabbed Tang Ling'er's hand as soon as she came up. She seemed very kind, and her eyes seemed to see some rare treasure.

Tang Ling'er was very reticent, so she was a little headache.

However, the eyes of the three youths in the distance were more on Tang Ling'er.

Of course, they hadn’t heard of this mysterious woman who talked directly with the dean as soon as she came to the college.

I'm afraid that in Cangling Academy for so many years, no one has this ability.

Soon, the group of people moved in the direction of the teleportation array.

On the way, Xiao Yu realized that the blue-clothed girl and the three young men were originally Hong Xuanfeng's children.

The girl in blue was called Mo Xiaoqi, and she was brought back by Hong Xuanfeng's peak owner when she was very young.

When it came to the teleportation formation, Mo Xiaoqi smiled directly and said to the three young people of Hong Xuanfeng: "Brother, you go first, I will discuss things with Brother Xiao Yu and the others."

The three young men frowned. They all knew that Mo Xiaoqi was weird and didn't know what they were going to do this time.

"Oh, you have already greeted the brother guarding the formation in advance, can I go to other places? Hurry up, come and wait for me." Mo Xiaoqi pushed the three young people forward.

The three youths cast a glance at each other.

"Junior Sister must be playing tricks and want to leave us alone."

"Don't be afraid, we have the aura of the jade slip of her life, she can't escape this time."

"Well, we should not be too far away from them then."

The three young men talked about it and gave up, but they could only let Mo Xiaoqi, and then send it over first.

When Mo Xiaoqi saw the three people leave, a sly look appeared in her eyes.

"Finally chased off these three guys." Mo Xiaoqi looked triumphant.

Xiao Yu certainly didn't know those things about Mo Xiaoqi, but he could see that Mo Xiaoqi was trying to get rid of the three young people.

"They just care about you."

"You don't know, they are very annoying. Every time I want to show my skills, I say that my power can't be used too much, it's too dangerous there, and the **** pattern can't be used easily...I'm so annoying."

Immediately afterwards, Mo Xiaoqi was muttering words in her mouth, and then she folded her hands, and a ripple seemed to converge from her side into her body.

Xiao Yu frowned. It seemed like a small sealing technique just now?

But Tang Linger glanced at Mo Xiaoqi and didn't say anything.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go." Mo Xiaoqi was very excited and took Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er away.


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