Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3985: Pingshan Mainland (Part 2)

Pingshan mainland.

The Pingshan Continent is a medium-lower continent. It is much stronger than the Tengzhou Continent where Xiao Yu has been to. Of course, it cannot be compared with the Tengyuan Continent.

Because the Pingshan Continent has dense jungles, there will be many monsters there.

And the place that is famous here is the superior monster here.

These high-level monsters are almost all innate monsters with pure blood.

Therefore, many people will come to Pingshan Continent to hunt monsters as their own monster pets.

When the three figures teleported over, they fell into a lush jungle.

The woods here are all towering straight into the sky, which is very spectacular.

"The spiritual power here is so pure!"

When Xiao Yu set foot here, the first one was an exclamation.

Different continents have different landscapes and even different attributes of creatures.

When Xiao Yu came here, first of all he felt the kind of clean and clear heaven and earth spiritual power from the earth.

For him who possessed innate life spirit body, this kind of power breath was the most familiar and kind.

"I heard that although the bloodlines of the monsters here are not high, they are all congenital monsters from the ancient times." Tang Linger said.

"Yes, yes! So I like to come here to play!" Mo Xiaoqi said excitedly.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, I'm afraid you are talking about playing, but you should also use the monster beasts here as a hands-on practice, right?

"call out!"

In a short while, several figures swept over. Their faces were all very young. They glanced at Xiao Yu and they were swept away.

Soon two or three groups of people passed by them, but they were ignored.


After a while, the roar of a monster beast rang out, but Xiao Yu and others did not.

"These people should be hunting monsters." Xiao Yu said.

Mo Xiaoqi said: "Yes, those from other colleges just now, let's leave them alone, say yes, I will lead you to find a suitable monster, and you will guide me to practice for a day."


Xiao Yu readily agreed.

Although fire spar can be exchanged for heaven and earth elixir, and even weapons and other items, Xiao Yu can earn it by performing tasks by himself.

But what he needs most right now is to improve his strength.

It's like a dragon pile, you can't pull down too much.

Even though Xiao Yu urged the Dragon Slaying Stakes, his physical strength was comparable to that of the Void Spirit Realm, and even the upper-middle presence among the high-rank monsters was not as good as him.

But in Xiao Yu's view, this is not enough.

Because there are three levels of Zhenlong piles, and he only stays at the first level now!

That's why he needs monster beasts to stimulate his body.

Of course, it's not just a matter of looking for powerful monsters blindly.

If it is against a powerful monster, then it will appear to be incapable of being able to fight, and it will be wasted if it fails to fight, which is undoubtedly a waste of energy and time.

And if you are looking for a monster that is weaker than yourself, then you will not get the effect of training.

Both of these are meaningless.

Therefore, the monster beast that is evenly matched is needed.

Xiao Yu found Mo Xiaoqi because he didn't know many people and was not familiar with other continents.

Another is that with Mo Xiaoqi here, she can still help her protect the Fa.

Xiao Yu's eyes were a little eager to try, and said, "This time, let's see if I can temper my physical strength to the level of a pure spirit!"


the other side.

Outside the mountain forest, there were three more figures at this time.

The breath fluctuations of these three people are very strange, especially the middle-aged man who is in the lead, his pupils seem to have strange lines in them.

"The Huo family said that there are two women around the kid. If they spread out and find the target, they will work directly." The middle-aged man in the middle ordered.



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