Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3988: Against the upper monster group

Qiongqi's voice sounded in Xiao Yu's mind.

Xiao Yu's eyes gleamed, yes, hadn't he noticed just now?

All of those fighting by himself were high-ranking monsters.

"No, they seem to..."

The keen perception directly caused Xiao Yu to notice something strange.

The behavior of a person, or a monster beast, is controlled by consciousness.

Xiao Yu discovered that the eyes of these monster beasts seemed to have a strange look of drifting away.

"They seem to be affected!"

When it was said that it was too late, a four-legged monster beast directly rushed over. Although this monster is of the level of a higher-level monster beast, it is no more than a pure spirit realm.


With a single punch, Xiao Yu knocked the monster beast into the air. At the same time, several high-level monsters swarmed toward him.


The power of the purple unicorn began to mobilize, and countless subtle thunder and lightning entangled around his arm. Although it was not very surging, there was a mighty power of righteousness in it.

The power of the current purple unicorn is worse than Xiao Yu's dragon-suppressing pile.

With the cultivation base of Xiao Yu Fei Yuan Realm, it was already the best to defeat the First Spirit Realm.

As for the Dragon Suppressing Pillar, when it was urged to the extreme, it was comparable to the high-level monster beasts of the Void Spirit Realm.

You know, Xiao Yu defeated Guo Xuandan with a punch at the time, and that was to urge the power of the purple unicorn to the extreme!

So just now Xiao Yu's punch to fly the upper monster beast was a bit difficult for him.

But now Xiao Yu is not allowed to think so much at all, and the aura of horror begins to envelope.

Xiao Yu's arm shook suddenly, and Zi Qilin's power was urged to its extreme.

That kind of domineering and majestic aura, with a kind of pressure peculiar to the power of thunder, directly swept out.

"Boom boom boom!"

On the other side, Tang Linger faced the lower monster beast.

The lower monster beasts are no better than the Divine Palace Realm. For Tang Ling'er, it's just like shaking them away with one palm.

Ten minutes later, she had already beaten twenty or thirty of the lower monster beasts. It could be said that these lower monster beasts did not threaten Tang Linger at all.

But Tang Ling'er obviously felt that something was wrong, and she was always paying attention to Xiao Yu not far away, so she quickly discovered some clues.


Tang Ling'er urged a powerful mysterious level spirit skill, shook back several monster beasts that he wanted to pounce, and immediately wanted to rescue Xiao Yu.

Because with Xiao Yu's cultivation base, facing so many high-level monster beasts, it must be somewhat powerless.

On the other side, these monsters seemed to have been given some secret technique, mainly aimed at Xiao Yu.

But after a while, Tang Ling'er suddenly changed his mind and put away the thoughts just now.

"Let him hold on for a while."

In Tang Linger's view, Xiao Yu was not on the verge of life and death, so there was no need to rescue him.

Because only in this way can Xiao Yu be able to maximize his own potential and strength.

Therefore, Tang Linger also became anxious.

In her opinion, if she is there, at least Xiao Yu's life can be guaranteed.

Therefore, Tang Linger was still paying attention to Xiao Yu's position while fighting.

But the next moment, Tang Linger's heart moved, her beautiful eyes looked in a certain direction, and her figure immediately turned into a green light, and she swept up.

On the other side, Mo Xiaoqi was fighting against the Golden Retriever Ape.

As a child of the main peak, Mo Xiaoqi has enough strength, but it hasn't been long since her **** pattern awakens and uses a new cultivation method to control that power, so she didn't show her powerful strength.

Of course, the Golden Retriever Sen ape is a monster beast of the land, and Mo Xiaoqi is also in full swing against the former.


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