Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3993: Force coordination

The sword of the Buddha slashed in the past again, passing by like a fright.

"call out!"

The purple-black light blade flew past again.

What you need to know is that in the secret realm space, on the stone bridge, Xiao Yu had killed the blood ferocious.

At that time, the bloodline of the **** bloodline was 70th higher than that of the local list, and even higher than the Golden Retriever Ape.

But don't forget, the Golden Retriever Ape is under the normal laws of the plane, but the **** is not.

At that time, the blood ferocious was oppressed by the laws of the broken plane, and the strength at that time was at best a psychic realm.

And now, Xiao Yu wants to kill the bloodline of the demonic beasts of the Earth Bang with strength surpassing the Three Spirit Realm. Is this possible?

Nothing is impossible, because Xiao Yu used certain techniques.

Yes, Xiao Yu's dragon bloodline was released by him again.

In the stab just now, Xiao Yu was once again a suppression that urged the dragon clan's blood and breath, so it weakened the Golden Retriever Ape to a certain extent.

"Boy, you are already forcibly overdrawing yourself. If you continue like this, your foundation will be destroyed!" Golden Wing Dapeng said in a deep voice.

The power of Xiao Yu's bloodline was so great that the pressure of the bloodline aura he could use now was very small.

Therefore, under the situation of using Longyin's anger just now, these monsters only showed short-term panic, so this is not lasting.

However, Xiao Yu wanted to know where his limits were.

So this time, he forcibly urged the blood aura of his five-clawed golden dragon, the purpose is to cooperate with the power of the Buddha.

Otherwise, the monster beast of the earth list, not to mention the blood ferocious, the golden retriever forest ape, is the bottom of the earth list, and the three spirit realm encounters will be unable to compete.

The keen Mo Xiaoqi soon noticed something wrong.

Because she discovered that Xiao Yu still had a strong aura of monster power while urging this dark power!

"Brother Xiao Yu, what is this? He is forcibly ruining his body!" Mo Xiaoqi was taken aback.

Mo Xiaoqi had seen the suppressive effect of Xiao Yu stimulating the blood of the Dragon Clan, and she could also guess that Xiao Yu's physical cultivation method was extraordinary.

At the beginning, she had heard that Xiao Yu's physical method was related to monsters, so she came to Xiao Yu!

And on the day of Pingshan Continent, Xiao Yu fought against three high-ranking monsters, the monster power used in the three battles, according to her thoughts, Xiao Yu was exhausted.

So, this is forcibly urging!

Even Tang Ling'er was staring at the figure in the distance.

Although Xiao Yu had turned into a fantasy armor of the Buddha, Tang Linger still saw Xiao Yu's unyielding and stubborn body.

Of course she understood how strong Xiao Yu's fighting consciousness was, that she didn't want them to help Xiao Yu at all.

Even if Tang Ling'er, with Mo Xiaoqi's true cultivation base, dragging the Golden Retriever Ape is not a big problem.

But the problem is that Xiao Yu still has to choose to do this.

However, Tang Linger could understand Xiao Yu, the so-called meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Xiao Yu struggled with the exhaustion of his physical foundation, and he had to do the same. There was only one purpose, which was to try to stimulate his most fundamental potential and strength at the most dangerous moment!

Yes, Xiao Yu is such an idea.

Originally, it was to temper the dragon stakes, to find evenly matched monsters, to stimulate the power of the flesh to the greatest extent, and to increase the strength of the flesh.

But until these animal tides appeared, Xiao Yu knew that his chance had come.

This can not only stimulate his own physical body to a greater extent, but also to a greater extent, allow the coordination of multiple forces in his body, even if it damages the foundation, Xiao Yu wants to try.

Because once he succeeds, his gains are very big.

"With this knife, I will kill you!!"

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with infinite fighting intent and light. The dragon blood in his body was originally like a dry riverbed. In a flash, a torrent of water surged under the riverbed.


Xiao Yu held the knife and slashed up again. This knife seemed to make the sky pale.


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