Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4003: Tang Linger shot (Part 1)

How powerful Huo Chun is, his cultivation is among the best in the entire Pingshan Continent.

Don't underestimate the abilities of the Huo family. The Huo family controls most of the territory and rights of the Pingshan Continent, and its status can be imagined.

Therefore, the strong people in Pingshan Continent all came to the banquet. Of course, some of them were selling face to the Huo Family, and on the other hand, it was also because of Huo Chun's strength.

This kind of cultivation is naturally enough to make Xiao Yu feel a kind of suffocation.

But at this moment, a light figure took a step, stopped in front of Xiao Yu, and started to sweep up with a dark green light.


The power of Huo Chun's palm was resisted on the spot, and then immediately dispersed.


The powerhouses on the city wall felt a little shocked, and even caught Huo Chun's blow!

When they fixed their eyes, they realized that they didn't know when, the dark green long-haired woman was in front of them.

There was a dark green light radiating from this woman, and the mysterious and deep breath all over her body.

This person obviously only gave people the feeling that there was only a virtual spirit realm, but why such a powerful force could erupt and be able to sustain Huo Chun's blow, this is really incredible.

"Who are you?" Huo Chun stared at Tang Linger below and said in a deep voice.

With his vision and strength, it can of course be felt that this woman is not an ordinary person.

Huo Chun didn't know Tang Ling'er, but Huo Zhe knew.

This mysterious woman who was able to talk directly with the dean and went directly to Heiyan Peak as soon as she came up had already attracted the conjecture of the entire academy.

"God father, this person is from Hei Yanfeng, the background is unknown, I am afraid it is not so long and simple." Huo Zhe whispered.

The disciple of the main peak, such an identity is always one-third fearful.

In particular, this woman's background is much stronger than Xiao Yu, so Huo Zhe initially ordered the three beast trainers to not pay Tang Ling'er directly, only targeting Xiao Yu.

"You are not qualified to know my name. If you want to deal with him, you must pass my level first." Tang Linger said lightly.

Although Tang Ling'er seemed to have the feeling of a weak female stream, when she said this sentence, it didn't make people underestimate it.

On the contrary, it was the kind of temperament of the other party, the kind of gesture that Huo Chun had never seen before.

Huo Zhe sneered and said: "Xiao Yu, aren't you very good at the academy, now you have fallen into hiding behind a woman?"

Mo Xiaoqi next to him immediately stopped doing it and said disdainfully: "Huo Zhe, are you a good bird, secretly dealing with others secretly, come down and fight with me if you have something."

Huo Zhe's expression changed. For the little aunt's grandmother Mo Xiaoqi, no one at Cangling Academy knew about it.

This guy is the treasure of Peak Master Hong Xuanfeng, with extraordinary talent, and is also the awakener of the so-called "weird power" **** pattern.

Although Mo Xiaoqi's cultivation base is not ranked among all the main peak disciples, she wins because of her huge potential and her inexplicable and unheard of **** pattern ability.

"Huh! A few little furry kids, it really wouldn't work if you didn't put me in Huo Chun's eyes! I arrested you today and asked Cangling Academy again. I want to see what you guys can do! "

Huo Chun was also angry, his aura suddenly rose, and then immediately enveloped Tang Linger.

Because he knew very well that Tang Linger was the most mysterious and unpredictable here.

"I'll hold him, you can make trouble for the rest."


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