Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4006: Xiao Yu VS Huo Zhe (Part 1)

Huo Zhe stared at Xiao Yu immediately and sneered: "Xiao Yu, your strategy is going to fail!!"

Only a few minutes later, all twenty or thirty monsters were killed by the beasts. At the same time, the upper level monsters were also timid, hesitating and struggling in their eyes, obviously breaking free from the control of the three trainers. .

After all, Mi Beasts are too terrifying!

Mo Xiaoqi's face changed slightly.

"It's this guy!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"The sixty-eighth list is a fierce beast with a pure bloodline. It has a life span of at least several hundred years. It is one of the top three monsters in the history of Pingshan Continent!" Take a breath.

She often comes to Pingshan Continent to experience, so she also knows a lot of the legends of these monsters, but she did not expect that the second in command of the Huo family is such a capable person.

Some weak people on the wall also showed surprises.

"Master Huo Chun's demon pet! I heard that Master Huo Chun will not release it once in ten years! Master Huo Chun is really going to kill this time!"

"Huh! The ignorant villain, this time I really fell into the trap."

And Xiao Yu, with a solemn expression in his eyes, asked, "Xiaoqi, can you stop it for me?"

Mo Xiaoqi thought for a while, her eyes showed firmness.


As soon as Mo Xiaoqi's voice fell, there was a flash of blue light on her body, and she immediately fought against the beast.

Xiao Yu cast his eyes on Huo Zhe and said in a concentrated voice, "Huo Zhe, your opponent is me!"

Huo Zhe's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he sneered: "Xiao Yu, you want to die, and I will teach you today! See how capable you, the main peak disciple, are!"

"as you wish!!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu's body flashed with golden light, and there were actually two wings with golden feathers.

Yes, this is the wings of the Golden Wing Roc!

Xiao Yu knew that his dragon bloodline had temporarily entered a stage of "cultivation and cultivation" because it had experienced the stimulation of the previous two days, so the dragon-suppression stake could not be stimulated.

The Dragon Suppressing Pillar is the fundamental cultivation method of the physical power of the dragon clan, so the power of the dragon clan connected to Xiao Yu's bloodline cannot be activated.

However, Xiao Yu's current Dragon Swallowing Qi didn't have the blood aura of the Dragon Clan in it, so he could only enter the simplest breath and refining.

But this did not prevent Xiao Yu from urging his power.

If the power of the dragon is not enough, it is temporarily unable to move, but he has other powers.

Strictly speaking, the Golden Wing Roc is still Xiao Yu's tool spirit!

Of course, this weapon spirit is not the same as ordinary weapon spirits. The Golden Winged Roc is not only able to regulate its attacks when the Seven Star Sword is activated.

When he was in Tengyuan Continent, Xiao Yu used the wings of the Golden Wing Roc to escape.

Of course, this is naturally not enough.

I saw that a **** power in Xiao Yu's body began to permeate, a wild aura that seemed to come from ancient times swept up, and Xiao Yu's eyes also had a fierce light.

"Boy, I have done my best!" Qiongqi's voice sounded in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Thank you, enough."

A **** energy began to linger on Xiao Yu's body, and at the same time the pair of golden wings were extremely conspicuous.

Yes, the power of Golden Wing Roc and Qiongqi were both borrowed by Xiao Yu.

It can be said that the power of two ancient fierce beasts appeared on Xiao Yu at the same time, this was the first time!


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