Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4009: The power of two monsters (part 2)

Huo Zhe's eyes showed a look of disdain, did this kid come and go to the offensive of his high-grade Lingbao with the speed of his body skills?

This is simply a kind of death-seeking and stupid behavior!

Xiao Yu's speed has been mobilized to the extreme, but you must know that it hasn't been long before his Jinshi flash technique has been comprehended, and combined with the power of the laws of space, it is somewhat unstable.

And if there is a lot of stimulus, the consciousness will become tired. When I was in the library at that time, there was such a consequence.

But Xiao Yu knew that he must be the next.

"call out!"

The Jinshi flash technique was once again urged to the extreme, and the golden light was like a golden thread, almost like a meteor in this night.

"Dapeng, help me!"

Xiao Yu used the Jinshi flash technique as his basic body technique. When he was about to touch the light blade, Xiao Yu's wings began to close together and turned into a golden light blade.

The majestic and deep golden light swept up, swept up with a brilliance of a hundred meters.

The pure metal power of the Golden Wing Roc suddenly burst, and his two wings turned into light blades that could tear space.


The space exploded again, and the sharp blade that Huo Zhe's high-grade Lingbao swung was destroyed on the spot.

"What!?" Huo Zhe's pupils shrank.

He also knew that Xiao Yu had a lot of cards, and he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, so he used at least 80 to 90% of his power in the attack just now, but it was still broken!

What kind of monster is this!

"Huo Zhe, is this your capital in the top ten?" Xiao Yu was mocking, but the murderous intent in his eyes had begun to condense.

Just because Huo Zhe’s attack just now, although he didn't go all out, he also made a heavy hand!

Huo Zhe's face was very ugly, and his heart raised Xiao Yu by three points.

"This is not the academy's technique at all. How many adventures does this kid have!?" Huo Zhe's heart trembled.

Although everyone before coming to the academy, either in their own family, or practicing outside, they will bring back some skills and abilities that are not part of the academy.

But basically, unless it's some aristocratic family, otherwise compared to the academy's spiritual arts and exercises, many of them abandon what they have learned before.

But in Xiao Yu's body, it was hard for him to feel the aura of strength from Cangling Academy students, and some were just a powerful external force.

This is like a fierce beast from an outer continent, coming into a gentle environment with only spirit beasts.

This fierce beast from the foreign continent will slowly be assimilated and slowly melt into these spirit beasts.

However, Xiao Yu is just a different kind of existence.

"It's my turn."

Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and his figure flicked out again, the golden light flickered again, Xiao Yu's figure appeared in front of Huo Zhe again, and then Xiao Yu punched it out.


Because it was the power of Qiongqi's monster beast that was used, when the punch was out, Qiongqi's huge phantom body was directly condensed and enveloped.

With such a mighty power, as well as that powerful bloodline suppression, the eyes of the monster beasts that were connected to the distance were all showing horror.

This fist pose also brought together the long-lost suffocation of Qiongqi.

The space vibrated and the violent whistling sound seemed to blow Huo Zhe to the ground.

"Don't be arrogant! The storm broke!"


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