Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4011: Rescue Heart

Huo Chun was really angry. His godson was being suppressed. At the same time, his friends, and those who came to the banquet, along with their Huo family's children, were killed by those monsters one after another.

All this is caused by these three guys!

With the punch just now, Huo Chun burst out advanced earth-level spiritualism, and Tang Linger's hard-supporting defense seemed a little unstoppable.

Huo Chun knew that Tang Linger's life experience was extraordinary, and he was here to hold him back, so he didn't need to fight him hard.

But it does not mean that Huo Chun is afraid of Tang Linger!

"I said, to deal with him, you must first step over my corpse." Tang Linger said coldly.

The green light on Tang Ling'er's body surface had begun to dim a bit, and even the expression in his eyes was a little tired.

But since she promised Xiao Yu, she would never break her promise.

"Do you really think I can't help you?"

As soon as Huo Chun's voice fell, and at the same time he flipped his hand, and a scroll appeared.

At the same time, his eyes also showed a kind of painful color.

But he knew that now is not the time for flesh pain.

Then he threw it up, and the scroll burst open, and then a beam of light energy began to burst out, and immediately turned into a huge black chain and swept towards Tang Ling'er.

Six-Rank Formation Scroll!

Tang Linger didn't expect that Huo Chun would come out with such a deep formation scroll!

The sixth-rank formation is a formation that can only be condensed by the earth spirit master, but the formation master who can condense the sixth-rank formation has already reached the three-spirit realm or even above.

Obviously, the scroll of this sixth-rank formation method used by Huo Chun is already a cultivation base beyond the three-spirit realm, which is just suitable for his current level.

The sixth-rank formation is also powerful, and he has fought Tang Linger for more than a dozen rounds, so he knows very well that only by using this formation can Tang Linger be trapped.

Tang Ling'er was indeed trapped, and she couldn't move her whole body.

Without saying a word, Huo Chun directly swept towards Xiao Yu's direction, extremely fast, and at the same time carrying a powerful murderous intent.

"Boy, I'm here to kill you!" Huo Chun's eyes wanted to condense murderous intent.

Tang Ling'er's face was covered with frost. She had tried to break free just now, but she discovered that the restraint ability of this sixth-rank formation was really too strong.

Moreover, Tang Linger's strength in urging the secret method is equal to Huo Chun, even weaker than Huo Chun. In the current situation, it can be said that it is waiting for Xiao Yu to be killed.

Tang Linger looked at Huo Chun, who was getting closer to Xiao Yu, and she could clearly feel Huo Chun's monstrous murderous intent.

After a while, Tang Ling'er's eyes didn't hesitate to show a sense of determination, and her body began to faintly burst out.

At the same time, in the depths of Tang Ling'er's eyes, a vortex began to rotate, an extremely terrifying power was brewing, and the huge iron chain bound to her began to tremble.

"Miss! No! Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

At this moment, there was an anxious voice in the dark place next to Tang Ling'er. This voice was the one that appeared in the academy.

"If I don't save Xiao Yu, he will be killed." Tang Linger said solemnly.

The voice in the space was anxious: "But you can't care about your life! It's hard to find the only piece of ‘Life Spar’ in the lower planes. You are now going to break it forcibly!"

"I can't manage so much."

Then Tang Linger looked at the figure far away, with some soft light flickering in her eyes.

"I shouldn't have lived in this world. If I hadn't had him in those years, I wouldn't stick to it until now. I can't leave him alone. I would give my life and I would be willing.

As soon as the voice fell, the dark green light on Tang Linger's body began to become rich, and immediately like a cocoon, it slowly turned into a dark black color.

The voice of the space became more flustered, and said hoarsely: "No!!"


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