Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4022: One hundred five-rank formations (on)

The formation scroll is naturally the formation portrayed on the scroll, it's just a one-off.

Xiao Yu's first contact with the Formation Scroll was in Poshafang.

At that time, Xiao Yu also purchased a fourth-rank formation of the Ming spear formation, and then came to practice the formation of the formation of the Ming spear formation in the opposite way, thereby practicing the formation of the Ming spear formation.

For an array mage, portraying an array scroll is actually the same as applying an array.

But you also need to know that, indeed, portraying one or several formations will not affect the foundation, but it will also consume!

And now I'm talking about depicting a hundred scrolls of rank 5 formation!

It will take another month! What is this concept?

The lowest attack power that can condense the fifth rank formation is like a powerful blow from the fetal elementary realm. Of course, this must be done by the spirit formation mage.

But what you need to know is that even an Earth Spiritist may not be able to spur the fifth-rank formation, such as Xiao Yu, he has not practiced the fifth-rank formation now.

So when he came to the formation class, he was looking for the fifth rank formation.

The powerful fifth-rank formation is already comparable to the full blow of the pure spirit realm.

Looking at the sixth-rank scroll that Huo Chun used at the time, it could restrain the strength beyond the Three Spirit Realm. Huo Chun at that time was already extremely distressed.

It is conceivable that in order to complete this task, two conditions must be met.

The first one is the Earth Spiritist, and he is still able to portray the fifth rank formation.

The second one, in one month, portray one hundred five-rank formations!

Especially the second one is the most difficult.

Among the disciples of Class B and Class C present, there are no more than five who can reach Earth Spirit Masters. Among these five, there is a face that Xiao Yu has seen, and yes, it is a native student in Cangling City. Pang Kaiyu.

"Earth Spiritist, and able to portray the fifth rank formation, it seems that this job is for Pang Kaiyu." Someone next to him said.

Pang Kaiyu's cultivation base is actually not strong, he is not in the top ten in strength among disciples of the second class.

But even though he is an Earth Spiritist, the power of the fifth-rank formation that he can activate is comparable to the Three Spirit Realm.

Xiao Yu found that Pang Kaiyu's eyes seemed to be bright, as if he had an unexpected gesture.

He immediately asked: "Speaking of a task, there is still a month to portray a hundred fifth-rank formations. It consumes a lot of soul. There must be some reward, right?"

But all the tasks of the academy are naturally rewarded, or rewarded, otherwise, who would be willing to do these thankless tasks?

Although Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu were not familiar with each other, they knew that no one would not fight for their own interests.

The student glanced at Pang Kaiyu, snorted, but lowered his voice again, afraid of being heard, and said, "That's for sure, Pang Kaiyu is very smart. He must have received some news beforehand, because Kuang Ping also A native of Cangling City."

Xiao Yu suddenly felt that this was the case. Since this is the case, Kuang Ping must have taken care of Pang Kaiyu a lot, after all, he is his own.

However, Xiao Yu could hear from the conversation between Kuang Ping and the others. Kuang Ping, Hao Xuan, and the middle-aged man named Li Chang from Fengling Continent, these three were also students of Cangling Academy.

At this time, Hao Xuan's gaze noticed Xiao Yu who was outside the crowd, and he nodded slightly towards Xiao Yu as a greeting.

Suddenly, Hao Xuan's heart moved.



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