Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4027: Give me a chance (on)

When Xiao Yu said that he was taking this task, many people were still reluctant to trust their ears, but when they confirmed it again and again, they really found that Xiao Yu's expression was indifferent and confident.

What this kid said is true!

Kuang Ping's face didn't make much waves, but Pang Kaiyu's eyes were slightly drenched, and the gesture of disdain and contempt was extremely rich.

But obviously, the incident of Xiao Yu mingling in really made the people present feel a kind of surprise.

Of course, the happiest one was Hao Xuan. Hao Xuan's eyes sparkled, and he could see the splendor in his eyes.

"Xiao Yu, what you said is true?" Hao Xuan asked again.

Xiao Yu gave Hao Xuan an angry look, and secretly said, isn't this what you want to see most?

But on the surface Xiao Yu still replied affirmatively: "Of course."

Many people outside the class started to talk.

"Even though he is an array mage, he still has a bad name, and he ran out to compete with Pang Kaiyu?"

"This is too reckless? Kuang Ping obviously said hello to Pang Kaiyu, this kid hit the gun head!"

Those who are speaking are the children of the outer plane continent.

Relatively speaking, although they were at odds with the local children in Cangling City, seeing Xiao Yu being so reckless right now, they were also worried for Xiao Yu.

People need backgrounds and people, how can Xiao Yu compete with others?

What is this not reckless?

Therefore, for Pang Kaiyu and others, they were actually watching a joke when they saw Xiao Yu.

Li Chang couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yu. He was also a soul cultivator, so he could naturally feel the strength of Xiao Yu's soul.

To be honest, when he first saw Xiao Yu, he was still a little interested, but then he shook his head, seemingly disappointed.

Xiao Yu was also a good Earth Spirit Array Mage, but the aura of that kind of soul was too weak. Maybe it was really just able to barely portray a Rank 4 formation. This was undoubtedly a bit grandiose.

But now the question is coming. Both Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu will take on this task, so who is assigned?

Undoubtedly, Pang Kaiyu was naturally the best choice. When Xiao Yu stood up, he seemed a little bit self-inflicted.

In order to ensure fairness, Kuang said plainly: "It means that there are two people who want to compete for the opportunity of this task, so how do you solve it?"

At this moment, the two or three local children around Pang Kaiyu sneered.

"Competing with Brother Yu for this place is simply fantastic."

"Xiao Yu, don't humiliate yourself. Give up as soon as possible. It's a joke."

Those onlookers were silent. Obviously, they also knew that Xiao Yu had some trouble-making elements, and felt that Xiao Yu was making a fool of himself.

Li Chang looked at Xiao Yu and said solemnly: "Young man, this is not a joke. Our empire is at stake now, and there is not so much time for you to play around. If you are here to make trouble, please don't waste everyone. time."

Li Chang was very rude.

He himself used to be a student of Cangling Academy, and Xiao Yu could be regarded as his junior, but what matters now is the safety of their empire, and he does not allow such a phenomenon.

After all, he was eager to begin to portray the formation right now. How could there be time to wait for Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu's so-called competition, who would be qualified to take on this task?

Kuang Pingyuan calmly looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes didn't regard Xiao Yu as a thing, he was just a clown.

"Since you come back to the academy for help, I think you want a better quality and higher power formation, right? That being the case, why not give me a chance to let me compete with him?"


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