Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4031: The Test of Li Chang (Part 1)

You know, from the first-rank formation to the fifth-rank formation, there is one formation Xiao Yu has never touched. This is what Xiao Yu himself said.

Therefore, in the confusion and changes of the phantom formation, if Li Chang releases the real fifth-rank formation, which confuses Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu still can’t recognize it, then this small topic will fail, and Li Chang obviously doesn’t Will give Xiao Yu another chance.

It can be said that it is not so much a good opportunity for Xiao Yu, it is more of a problem that Li Chang wants Xiao Yu to give up.

After all, think about it, a person who has not been in contact with the fifth-rank formation will be unfamiliar at all, and of course he will seem a little rushed to avoid such attacks.

Kuang Ping, Pang Kaiyu and others were all waiting for Xiao Yu to answer. They seemed to want to see Xiao Yu retreating in trouble.

For Xiao Yu, although his soul cultivation is not very high, his understanding of the formation method is not lower than that of the formation mage present. Therefore, when Li Chang said this small test question, he already knew it. It's Li Chang's intention.

"No problem." Xiao Yu didn't even think about it, but agreed in one go.

Li Chang couldn't help but stared at Xiao Yu. He really wanted Xiao Yu to retreat when he was in trouble. He didn't expect this kid to come next by himself.

Kuang Ping Ping had a calm look, but Xiao Yu couldn't pick it up. The result was the same for him.

Only after receiving it and then failing, then of course the consequences need to be borne by yourself.

Hao Xuan showed hesitation and solemnity, and his heart was a little bitter.

I originally wanted Xiao Yu to participate in the competition, and then helped Xiao Yu by myself, at least in private, he could even start Xiao Yu. After all, Hao Xuan also knew how powerful Xiao Yu's talent was.

But never thought of the situation like this!

It can be said that this came too soon.

Now there is no time for Xiao Yu to prepare.

"Well, if that's the case, then prepare." Li Chang didn't talk nonsense.

Of course he hopes to solve this farce quickly. If it weren't for Xiao Yu's "confidence", he wouldn't be bothered to do this small test at all.

It's just that some people don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

The classroom was soon empty, and Li Chang didn't say a word, and soon displayed a fifth-grade phantom array.

"Wow! It seems to be real! As soon as you come up, you will be a fifth-grade phantom array!" The array mages exclaimed.

The strength of this kind of soul power cannot be wrong, it is a fifth-grade fantasy formation!

The magic array is the basic formation. The stronger the rank, the more confusing it is. At the same time, the more difficult it is to identify it. This is for Xiao Yu, a spirit formation mage who can only portray a rank 4 formation. , Is definitely very difficult.

However, people outside couldn't see Xiao Yu's phantom formation, because this phantom formation was only Li Chang acting on Xiao Yu's soul.

Kuang Ping waved his hand, a piece of soul power shrouded, and then everyone's eyes brightened up.

As a senior lecturer, his soul cultivation is of course very high, even higher than Li Chang. Now he uses the power of the soul to bring everyone into a state of "watching".

In a short while, all the scenes inside and outside the hall changed. They were in a lush jungle.

Of course, they were just a spectator, and they were completely different from Xiao Yu, the person who was imposed on the formation.

"Boy, are you ready?"

Li Chang's voice sounded in the jungle.


"call out!"


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