Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4034: False and true, true and false (part 2)

Those formation practitioners all watched this scene incredibly.

Although their soul cultivation is no better than Xiao Yu, some of them can't do much better than Xiao Yu.

But Xiao Yu's reaction was too calm, too indifferent, right?

There is no panic at all!

Especially, there was a change in the fifth-rank formation in the middle, and they were all deceived at that time, because the strength and breath of the fifth-rank formation were exactly the same.

Of course they also know that it may be the blessing of the phantom array, but they also know that it may not be the blessing of the phantom array, it is true!

Therefore, even if you change to them, you definitely dare not careless!

If Xiao Yu had to deal with it, he had to predict and prepare in advance.

Who knows, Xiao Yu didn't even think about it, so he directly activated the defense of the first rank formation!

It turns out that Xiao Yu is right!

But in their hearts, they thought to themselves, what if this was really a Rank 5 formation?

Then Xiao Yu is going to fail?

Is this another element of luck and luck?

The judgment of first-grade and fifth-grade is not arbitrarily distinguishable.

False is true and true is false, this is the most terrifying existence of the phantom array.

Especially, the basic formation of the formation is still a fifth-grade phantom formation!

But Xiao Yu actually judged it!

At this moment, those formation practitioners saw Xiao Yu's vision unexpectedly changed.

In their view, if they were placed in the same position as Xiao Yu, they might not be able to be as calm as Xiao Yu, and have such an accurate judgment, even though this was only an attack by the first rank formation technique.

But after reacting, and then waiting for the result in that very short time, there is no longer any other reaction.

Pang Kaiyu's eyes flickered, staring at Xiao Yu.

Although he didn't want to admit it, this kind of soul capture and insight ability, even he couldn't do it.

Although Kuang Ping didn't change his expression, but he looked at Xiao Yu more.

Soul cultivators originally existed without a single existence, whether it was an array mage, an alchemist, or a refiner.

Putting it in the group of soul cultivators depends on how far a person can go, and that is the talent of the soul.

Kuang Ping could imagine that Xiao Yu's soul talent had reached the level of heaven.

Li Chang nodded slightly and said in secret: "No wonder this kid is so confident. It seems that he really has two brushes. Let's test him out at the end."

At this moment, the space fluctuates again.

There were two fluctuations in this jungle 500 meters away.

The fluctuations in these two places were very strong, and immediately flicked towards Xiao Yu from left to right.

The invisibly terrifying pressure and majesty, like Mount Tai quashed, oppressed Xiao Yu with the momentum of thunder.

"Two fifth-rank formations!!" Someone exclaimed.

Even an array mage with a lower realm can sense that this is a real rank 5 formation!

That kind of great momentum gave people an oppressive soul pressure invisibly, and almost everyone present felt a kind of suffocation.

For them, even though Li Chang is only an Earth Spirit Array Mage who can only condense a fifth-rank formation, the fifth-rank formation he can condense is powerful enough to be comparable to the offensive of the pure spirit realm!

"What's wrong with Lao Li? Two formations? Is this deliberately embarrassing Xiao Yu?" Hao Xuan was a little surprised.

But his astonishment only lasted for less than a moment, and he was suddenly stunned.

That's it!


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