Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4039: Three-day agreement (on)

After the excitement of the lecture hall dissipated, there was a courtyard on a mountain peak behind the upper courtyard, and Pang Kaiyu returned with Kuang Ping.

Pang Kaiyu was silent all the way. After returning, Kuang Ping turned around and asked faintly: "Why, are you afraid of this kid?"

Pang Kaiyu shook his head, his eyes drenched, and said: "I just didn't expect this kid's soul talent to be so high."

Kuang Ping's mind seemed to flash through the scene just now, but he calmly said: "To be honest, this kid's talent is indeed a bit outstanding, but it's just that. If you are afraid, you can quit."

Hearing this, Pang Kaiyu's expression changed, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Mr Kuang, I didn't mean that. I just think that the appearance of this kid disrupted our plan."

Kuang Ping said indifferently: "With me here, how can we disrupt? This kid thinks he can do whatever he wants with his back on Heiyan Peak. I don't know, many people already have opinions on him."

"Does he think that what he did in the House of Commons, he would be able to show off when he came to the House of Lords? It would be wrong to think that the people in the House of Lords were not something he could provoke."

Kuang Ping immediately looked at Pang Kaiyu and said, "Remember, you are a child of Cangling City. You don't need to be so afraid of a foreign kid, otherwise you will only lose our face."

"What Ms. Kuang taught is."

Kuang Ping carried his hands on his back, and said indifferently: "Do you really think that I am weak because I am not giving him a chance. Can he compete with you? I just want everyone to know how he can fly in the lower house. A bug."

Pang Kaiyu's eyes lit up and said: "Ms. Kuang means...?"

"I already know about He Yiting and Fu Jingming. I didn't have much thoughts about this kid. After all, it is your own business, and you can solve it by yourself. But when I saw you today, I didn't teach him a lesson. I really thought the upper house could walk sideways."

At this point, Kuang Ping's eyes flashed with a cold light.

He would never forget how Xiao Yu confronted him in front of so many people and didn't give him face.

In the classroom, he can do nothing if nothing happens, it is because his identity and status still have the strength, and he does not need to have general knowledge with a kid.

"I will host your test in three days," Kuang Ping said.

Pang Kaiyu's eyes lit up. Of course he knew what it meant. Then, Xiao Yu would have no chance!

"But there will definitely be a lot of people coming to watch then, Teacher Kuang..." Pang Kaiyu hesitated.

"Unless Master Tu Feng comes down to supervise him personally, but since Master Tu Feng has entrusted this to me, I will be responsible for the whole process. It's harder for this kid to beat you than to reach the sky."

Pang Kaiyu sneered: "Xiao Yu, in three days, I want you to lose face!"


The competition with Pang Kaiyu for the task was set in three days.

Although this matter is not a big deal, the key is that the protagonist of the matter is Xiao Yu, and it is still a field that Xiao Yu is not good at-formation!

Undoubtedly, this naturally caused a great shock in the upper court.

Not to mention that Xiao Yu's reputation in the lower court is already thunderous, but to say that Xiao Yu's physical body resistance in the upper court of Chinese medicine to the scene of the demon beast is enough to make people feel incredible.

Now Xiao Yu is still competing with Pang Kaiyu for a task in a field that he is not good at. Of course this kind of excitement is extremely novel.

Because of them, no matter what, Xiao Yu was in a disadvantaged position.


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