Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4045: Challenge Heart (Part 1)

Xiao Yu and Tang Ling'er went out, heading down the mountain, but found two breaths in the backyard.

The two breaths turned out to be Chu Dongmen and Tutsi. The two were sitting on the stone benches in the backyard, and the two were drinking tea.

"Master Chu, Master Tu." Xiao Yu called twice.

Tutsi is still so calm and relaxed, as the Heavenly Spirit Realm, he is also quite famous among the world's first-class array mages in Nine Heavens.

The fluctuation of the soul aura on his body was completely insensitive to that, which naturally exceeded Xiao Yu's range of perception.

Chu Dongmen smiled and said, "Master Tu Feng said that you will go to the competition today to see how you are preparing."

On the contrary, Chu Dongmen didn't fluctuate too much. For him, Xiao Yu was not doing his job properly. On the contrary, he admired Xiao Yu's daring spirit.

Tuxi looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Unexpectedly, you dare to stand up and compete with that kid. Didn't you know that Kuang Ping had already taken care of this task?"

Nothing can be concealed from Tutsi, and of course Tutsi also knows that with Xiao Yu's ingenuity, of course these have also been seen through by Xiao Yu, otherwise Xiao Yu would not have confronted Kuangping face to face.

Tang Ling'er opened the mouth and said, "Since you know, it means that this matter is your default?"

Tutsi glanced at Tang Ling'er and said indifferently: "They did not violate the rules of the academy, not to mention the lecturers, even the elders and peak masters, even if they are partial, it is reasonable. Why are those people who are not talented and not strong? Will they enjoy the same treatment as those with high talents and strength? Isn't this also unfair to the latter?"

Xiao Yu nodded, and said: "The master Tu Feng is right. The tilt of resources is of course biased towards people with ability, talent and potential. This is understandable."

Whether in a family, a force, even in a team, of course everyone tends to favor people with talented strength.

In comparison, with the same training resources, these talented and powerful people grow faster, so why not step up their efforts and let more resources tend to this side?

This is especially true of the five major temples.

Tusi said: "Then you dare to fight Pang Kaiyu?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Since the resources can be leaned to their side, then I can also firmly hold these in my own hands. Does the prince and general Xiangning have a kind?"

Tutsi couldn't help but trembles slightly, and gave Xiao Yu a deep look. What a courage and ambition to be able to say this!

"Hahaha! What a kind of prince and general Xiangning." Chu Dongmen laughed.

"Xiao Yu, you can fight, although I can't help you, but I fully support you." Chu Dongmen smiled.

Xiao Yu is the only disciple under his main peak. Since Xiao Yu has such a huge ambition and fighting spirit, how can he not support him as a peak leader?

Xiao Yu calmly said: "Since I choose to stand up, then I will definitely not back down, and I will definitely go all out. I just hope this competition can be fair to me."

Tusi said: "I just said that there is no absolute fairness in the world, but this is all artificial, and I can host it."

Chu Dongmen smiled and looked at Tutsi. The former knew that Tutsi was obviously moved by Xiao Yu.

Of course he didn't speak, because of course he hoped that the academy could get along with each other in harmony, but then, if he supported it, it would be equivalent to frustrating Xiao Yu's spirit. After all, was Xiao Yu still talking so boldly?

"The kindness of Peak Master Xie Tu, no need."


Master Tu Feng glanced at Xiao Yu in surprise, this kid turned down! ?

Xiao Yu said: "Pang Kaiyu may really be better than me when it comes to the realm of soul, but three days later, in terms of the degree of control over the fifth-rank formation, he may not be able to beat me."

"Oh?" Tuxi glanced at Xiao Yu.

He didn't expect Xiao Yu to be so confident.

In his opinion, no matter how high a person's soul realm is, it does not mean that his strength is absolutely strong.

Because the strength of strength is related to talent, and even the support of the soul and soul that is difficult to appear among hundreds of millions of people.

Of course, even people of the same realm and comprehend the same formation will have different understandings due to differences in talents, opportunities, etc., and what they show is the strength of attack power.

"It seems that you are quite confident, but you seem to have forgotten a little. You don't know the content of the test." Tutsi said.

Indeed, this is a very serious issue.

If the content of the test is not known, there will be a lot of uncertainty, which is not good for Xiao Yu.

And they all knew that Kuang Ping was actually favoring Pang Kaiyu, which was equivalent to knowing oneself and the enemy, how to win.

"It doesn't matter, it is not easy to defeat me," Xiao Yu said lightly.

Chu Dong had a smile on his face, he just liked Xiao Yu's attitude of coming confidently without being arrogant.

Xiao Yu finished speaking, and said: "Feng Master Chu, Feng Master Tu, let's go first."

Seeing Xiao Yu's departure from the background, Tutsi's eyes seemed to be meaningful.

"Let's go and see too." Chu Dongmen smiled.

"What do you think your disciple's winning rate is?" Tutsi asked suddenly.

Chu Dongmen shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I know that Xiao Yu is not a reckless person, and I don't care if he can win. What I care about is his heart, his willingness to challenge, let's go, maybe Bring us a little surprise."

Chu Dongmen took the lead in urging his figure, and he flew towards the destination. Tutsi thought about it, and followed.


At this time, it was in a pavilion where the students of the Upper House lived.

Qing Mingxin recovered from the practice just now. There are strong spiritual power fluctuations all over him, and it seems that every move can draw the spiritual power of the surrounding world.

After he came out, even if Xuan saw the young man in white clothes, he walked out of the small building opposite.

The young man's breath fluctuated more strongly than Qing Mingxin, and it seemed to swallow people vaguely.

The young man in white is no one, but he is the set Jingming.

Both of them are among the top three of the second-class students, but set Jingming is stronger than Qing Mingxin.

"Qing Mingxin, you also go to watch the fun! Ha ha, it seems that you are going to support this kid." Set Jingming smiled faintly.

As a local child, Fu Jingming has suppressed Qing Mingxin in the academy in terms of status and strength, so he speaks with a high profile.

Of course, Qing Mingxin is not a soft persimmon, set Jingming is great, but he doesn't necessarily have to be afraid.

Moreover, the flag-grabbing conference is about to be held, and the two are also the biggest favorites, and Set Jingming also let out a word, saying that he is about to set the top spot, which makes Qing Mingxin want to compete with this person.

Qing Mingxin said indifferently: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not familiar with this kid, I'm just going to see if the man in the lower court is better, or you from Cangling City are better."


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