Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4048: Six-Rank Basic Formation (Part 1)

Pang Kaiyu's face was indifferent, as if he was full of confidence.

But Xiao Yu seemed much calmer.

"This guy is really arrogant, he looks upset," Luo Feng said with a snort.

Mo Xiaoqi said: "That's for sure, this competition is what he is good at. Xiao Yu doesn't seem to be selected through formation!"

In Mo Xiaoqi's view, Xiao Yu's real power is physical strength, not a formation or formation.

Tang Ling'er was silent. Such a competition, whether it was the right time, the right place, or the harmony of people, was obviously in favor of Pang Kaiyu.

Of course, she also knew Xiao Yu's character. Although the front was unknown, Xiao Yu would definitely do his best.

Obviously, the appearance of Kuang Ping made everyone present seem excited.

The battle of formations is actually a relatively "virtual" competition in terms of strength, because as long as normal people are not affected by the formation, they cannot see the specific formation state.

Of course, these can of course be achieved artificially, allowing them to be placed in a formation, but it is the attitude of a bystander to watch the battle.

Since it is an open competition, it is of course fairer to do so.

Kuang Ping glanced at the two of them and said, "Now I will talk about the rules of the game. The mountain behind me will cover the mountain with the power of my soul and build a basic formation. Within this basic formation, you The two can blend in with their souls, and then compete."

"In the formation, there will be a light bead. You can find it with your own abilities. Whoever catches it first will be the final winner."

As soon as this statement came out, many people showed a confused posture, of course, some people familiar with the formation also understood the mystery.

"Why is there such a basic formation?" Mo Xiaoqi asked curiously.

Tang Linger explained: "The function of the basic formation is actually very simple. It is to enlarge the soul power of Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu."

Luo Feng and Mo Xiaoqi were puzzled.

"Look at how high and big the whole mountain is?"

Both Mo Xiaoqi and Luo Feng looked at the mountain behind.

There are many such peaks in Cangling Academy, and any mountain is as high as a kilometer or even a kilometer. As for the area, there is also a radius of kilometers.

Mo Xiaoqi reacted and said: "I understand, different levels of soul realm have limited coverage of soul consciousness. It seems that the stronger the strength, the greater the power that can be generated, and the greater the scope of the impact."

Luo Feng also suddenly said, "It turns out that with the soul power of Brother Yu and Pang Kaiyu, I am afraid that it is not enough to cover the entire mountain. Only with the help of Kuang Ping's basic formation method, the two can integrate the power of soul In order to enlarge the scope of their formation."

In fact, this is easy to understand. Since it is a competition, and a whole mountain is used as the venue for the competition, then naturally it cannot be limited to a certain part of the mountain.

If you want to show off the brilliance, or even bring the formation to a greater extent, Kuang Ping has established an auxiliary formation that will allow Xiao Yu and Pang Kaiyu to better display their abilities.

Luo Feng then asked curiously: "But I heard that this mission is to portray one hundred fifth-rank formations! In this competition, is there no requirement for the fifth-rank formation?"

Mo Xiaoqi said: "You are silly, this level of competition must be the stronger the soul realm, the better! From the side, the competition of the five-rank formation is the main competition!

Luo Feng was stunned again.


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