Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4051: Five-Rank Mountain Formation

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he didn't expect this Pang Kaiyu to use the Illusion Killing Array when he came up.

The terrifying high temperature on the flame immediately made Xiao Yu feel a scorching sensation, and his ephedrine urging spiritual power to resist.

But always, Xiao Yu's realm was only in the late stage of Fetal Yuan realm, even if his physical body was strong, he still felt a little uncomfortable under the heat.

All around were burning flames, roaring like a fire dragon.

At the same time, Pang Kaiyu's body was also a step up the mountain before Xiao Yu.


Suddenly, a flame in front turned into a tornado, and immediately swept towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and the Jinshi flashing technique was flashing quickly.


The fire tornado suddenly smashed into a big hole where Xiao Yu was standing just now, and the surrounding fire started to burn again.

Xiao Yu didn't care so much, and swept up toward the top of the mountain at the same speed.

Because he felt a strange thing on the mountain, that thing must be the so-called light pearl.

But Xiao Yu just didn't skim up many meters, and several flames attacked him.

Pang Kaiyu's illusion killing array was at least an offensive comparable to the Void Spirit Realm.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and he hit it out with a punch. Although the surging fist style was not spiritual, the terrifying oppression also opened a lot of ways in front.

The people around all sounded regretful voices.

The so-called rushing, fading, and exhausting, Pang Kaiyu used this powerful formation as soon as he came up, and he must solve Xiao Yu as soon as possible.

And Xiao Yu was stopped because of the first one, and was already far behind Pang Kaiyu.

"This kid is really stupid. Knowing that the soul level is not as good as Pang Kaiyu, he should be the first to attack." Qing Mingxin shook his head slightly, and said calmly.

"Even if he takes the lead, what about? Kaiyu will not be led by Xiao Yu." Set Jingming said lightly.

"What's more, it is impossible for Xiao Yu to win if Kaiyu's true strength has not been used."

He is very familiar with Pang Kaiyu and knows how many catties Pang Kaiyu has, so Bu Jingming is very confident in Pang Kaiyu.

Qing Mingxin glanced at Fu Jingming and did not speak.

Between the two of them talking about it, Xiao Yu, who was in the Flame Mountain, seemed to get rid of this kind of attack, and directly rushed towards Pang Kaiyu.

Of course, every flame offensive was something Xiao Yushi had to resist, because this was a fantasy killing formation.

It seems a long time, but only twenty or thirty seconds have passed.

After all, you have to know that the distance from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain is no more than a kilometer. If you really want to increase the speed, then you can reach it very quickly.

The problem is that Pang Kaiyu is a pure array mage!

Xiao Yu is a double repair!

There is a very fundamental problem. As far as the speed of the body is concerned, if Pang Kaiyu did not use some auxiliary formations, his speed would never be faster than Xiao Yu.

So when he came up, Pang Kaiyu used this level of magic killing array.

Therefore, in twenty or thirty seconds, Pang Kaiyu had advanced no more than two hundred meters.

At this point in time, these flame offensives can also be said to have caused a lot of trouble for Xiao Yu, and his robes were a little scorched.

But fortunately, his heart and soul were there, and his body speed was also there. While resisting and climbing up the mountain, Xiao Yu quickly caught up with Pang Kaiyu.

Many people watched this scene nervously.

Pang Kaiyu certainly had an innate advantage, but Xiao Yu had double cultivation and had a body speed that Pang Kaiyu did not possess. Once Pang Kaiyu was surpassed by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu would soon reach the top.

"Pang Kaiyu, is this like dragging my speed?"

"Xiao Yu, you are too small to look down on me!"

Pang Kaiyu sneered, his hands changed.

"Heavy Mountain Formation!"


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