Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4054: Break the formation one after another (Part 1)

Since this is a competition of formations, the natural endless stream of formation masters will definitely not be broken.

It was too late and it was fast, and the successive changes in Pang Kaiyu's seal were quickly imposed by another formation.

After a while, there was a sudden gust of wind, and a foggy weather appeared on the entire hill.

"Hidden fog array!"

Whenever, someone exclaimed, even Hao Xuan was a little surprised, Pang Kaiyu, this guy, actually practiced the hidden fog array!

What you need to know is that among the five-rank formations that I chose for Xiao Yu at the beginning, there was this hidden mist formation!

Only then Xiao Yu vetoed this formation.

The rain and mist array is a simple phantom array, which can hide the body in the foggy weather and confuse the opponent at the same time.

At this time, Xiao Yu was completely shrouded in foggy weather, and his visibility was almost only a few meters away.

Xiao Yu, who was almost trying to catch up with Pang Kaiyu, had already disappeared in just such a gap.

Of course, this is not disappearing, but Pang Kaiyu's breath is hidden in the formation.

In such a foggy weather, for onlookers, of course only two shadows can be seen.

One of them was Xiao Yu, who was slowing down, and the other was Pang Kaiyu, who was constantly rushing up the mountain.

The distance between Pang Kaiyu and Xiao Yu suddenly widened, from one hundred meters, two hundred meters, to three hundred meters.

Many people shook their heads secretly. After all, Pang Kaiyu's movements were too fast. He was a pure formation mage, so he could easily grasp these formations.

It was not the first time Xiao Yu reacted so slowly.

Pang Kaiyu rushed, sensing the aura that Xiao Yu was already in place, and sneered in his heart: "Xiao Yu, you are never a formation mage. You are not enough for me to discuss formation."

Li Chang over there shook his head slightly. Xiao Yu's counterattack in the first round was indeed a bit amazing, but if he was so delayed in the second round, it would really make people speechless.

Seeing that Pang Kaiyu had reached two-thirds of the mountainside, after Xiao Yu could react, Pang Kaiyu would have reached the summit.

"Is this kind of formation just trying to confuse me?" Xiao Yu's eyes wink.

He didn't panic, but fell silent. The dual assistance of his heart and soul and the branches of Tianmu quickly made the rain lock in the correct position.


Xiao Yu seemed to have seen through this kind of foggy weather. The foggy weather couldn't confuse Xiao Yu at all. People outside only saw Xiao Yu moving in a straight line, directly going up the mountain!

"How come!? His route didn't deviate at all!"

"It's amazing! Did he also penetrate this illusion?"

Those Array Masters exclaimed.

The so-called phantom array, if it is within a certain range, will confuse people's minds, either by spinning around in place, or by misleading them toward other directions.

Not only did Xiao Yu not be affected at all, but he swept straight ahead.

Naturally, Xiao Yu's mind was not affected, so how could it be possible to stand still, or move to another direction?

But this is equivalent to breaking the hidden fog array!

But the speed of breaking the formation this time turned out to be faster than before!

"Huh? Interesting." Tutsi nodded slightly.

He thought that Xiao Yu would probably be trapped in the hidden mist formation, but he didn't expect to break this formation, and the speed was so fast.

Kuang Ping's eyes became even sharper.

"How did he do it?"


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