Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4063: Dilemma (Part 1)

Li Chang is an array mage, and the good fortune he said is definitely related to the array method.

If Xiao Yu said something that didn't move her heart, it would be impossible.

It can be said that Xiao Yu felt that his soul was about to step into a bottleneck, and this bottleneck was caused by the lack of the lower half of the Soul Dao.

Unless Xiao Yu changed to another method of soul cultivation, he would not be able to break through this shackle.

But here in the academy, Xiao Yu can only make progress in his soul realm by relying on his own slow insight.

What Li Chang said, maybe it was a good luck!

Hao Xuan obviously could also think that the thing Li Chang said was not an ordinary ordinary product. Although he was worried about Xiao Yu's safety, it was obviously a coexistence of adventure and gain, so he looked at Xiao Yu.

"Okay, I can go there." Xiao Yu agreed.

Li Chang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Hao Xuan, and said, "Hao Xuan, don't worry, I will definitely protect Xiao Yu's safety and prevent him from getting into trouble."

Hao Xuan took a deep breath and said solemnly, "But what if you fail? One mountain can't tolerate two tigers, you should know the truth."

Li Chang's eyes drenched and said, "If that time comes, I will live and die with the imperial royal family! I will have a way to protect Xiao Yu from leaving."

Hao Xuan sighed slightly in his heart. In fact, he could already imagine that the battle within the Lichang Empire must be very dangerous.

In other words, in this so-called war, their chances of winning are not great.

Li Chang looked at Xiao Yu and said, "If you go back with me, the formations you have drawn might have a lot of power. I can't use that thing, so I want you to try it."

Xiao Yu became more curious in his heart, what is it?

It's just that Li Chang kept silent, and seemed to have to wait for their empire to be revealed.

Xiao Yu looked at Hao Xuan. To tell the truth, only Chu Dongmen was responsible for his safety at the academy, but since this task fell on Xiao Yu, then Hao Xuan was responsible for Xiao Yu's safety.

It can be said that this is the acquiescence of the peak master of the Spirit Peak, so for this trip to a war-torn empire, Hao Xuan must think carefully before he is willing to release.

"Hao Xuan, if you think Xiao Yu is in danger, you go back with us." Li Chang suggested.

Hao Xuan gave a wry smile and said, "To be honest, I did want to go, but I can't live without the college for the time being."

Having said this, Hao Xuan glanced at Xiao Yu, seemingly hesitant to speak.

Then Hao Xuan thought for a while and said, "Well, Xiao Yu, just go with Lao Li, but be careful about everything."

The three discussed to be determined, and agreed to go back with Li Chang the next day.

Li Chang left first, Xiao Yu looked at Hao Xuan's desire to speak but stopped, the latter said: "Teacher Hao, this is what the master Tu Feng meant?"

Hao Xuan nodded and said: "I really can't help you. You know that you won Pang Kaiyu, which is tantamount to losing face to the array Lingfeng. After all, you took the path of spiritual power in the lower house assessment."

Xiao Yu nodded, expressing understanding.

No matter how much Tutsi favors Xiao Yu, Tutsi is the peak owner of Jinling Peak.

This time Xiao Yu can be regarded as frustrating some of the spirit of the Array Mage students in the upper courtyard, whether it is a local student or a student from the mainland of the outer plane.

In this case, does Tutsi want to take care of it, or does it leave it alone?

It's a bad name, after all, Xiao Yu did win Pang Kaiyu.

Regardless, there will be complaints in the formation.

Of course, with Tutsi's ability, he would ignore these complaints.

So the best way is to leave this task to Xiao Yu to complete by himself, without the help of external forces.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Yu, the master Tufeng still takes care of you very much. He specifically asked me to guide you privately, but you can't be discovered, but..."

"But if I choose to go back with Senior Li Chang, you won't be able to guide me."


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