Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4078: Fifty Fire Showers (Part 2)

Li Chang gave Xiao Yu three scrolls. The first scroll had the largest soul fluctuation, the second was the second, and the third was naturally the lowest.

Because Li Chang requires at least fifty five-rank formations that can deal with the three spirit realms, of course the third weakest soul aura is only dealing with the psychic realm and the fetal origin realm.

And Xiao Yu didn't want to waste time on these formations.

The power of this formation is weak, and although it does not take a lot of time, it is now a war between the two sides. Of course, the greater the power, the better.

Of course, the greater the power, of course, there is also a disadvantage, that is, the more energy, mind, and soul that needs to be consumed.

"Boy, you have to do what you can. Although that guy is very loyal, there is no one worthy of pity in the Nine Heavens World." Qiong Qi said lightly, knowing that Xiao Yu would choose a difficult start when he came up.

As Qiongqi who followed from a low plane to a high plane, he knew Xiao Yu's abilities no more.

"I am not sorry for Senior Li, I just want to see where my limits are in such an environment, and by the way can help them win more chances of winning." Xiao Yu said.

After finally getting a soul-refining formation, and then being able to concentrate on depicting the formation, this was a rare opportunity for Xiao Yu, who was about to step into the bottleneck.

When Qiongqi heard Xiao Yu say this, he stopped persuading him.

Xiao Yu opened the second scroll of formation, and immediately a message fell into his mind.

"The fire shower array, the fifth-rank formation method, condenses into a sea of ​​fire from the sky with the power of the soul. It can be used as a trapped formation or a killing formation."

Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart: "The rank of this formation is similar to that of the Magic Sword Formation, but it should be a group formation, and the power of the peak is not as good as the Magic Sword Formation."

After all, the phantom sword formation is cultivating to the top, it can be unstoppable in the Three Spirit Realm, very powerful.

However, Xiao Yu also knew that since it was a war, Li Chang's formation would definitely not be a single-type battle formation, and more of a group-type formation attack.

Because of the experience of portraying the magic sword formation, Xiao Yu soon entered the state.

Ten times the time of the outside world is equivalent to one month outside, and there are three hundred days in the second world space.

In the first week, Xiao Yu didn't portray the formation, but was studying the direction of the soul power of the fire shower array.

It wasn't until the second week that Xiao Yu portrayed a fire shower array in three days.

At the back, Xiao Yu's speed became faster and faster. From three days to portray a formation, to two days to portray a formation, and then to portray several fire shower formations in one day.

In this way, Xiao Yu used the outside world for a week to literally portray fifty fire shower arrays.

Don't look at Xiao Yu's time in the outside world only a week, in fact, in the second world space, more than two months have passed.

Xiao Yu's mental thoughts have always been in a state of tension and extreme consumption, so when he first left the customs, his whole person was very weak.

Until Xiao Yu took out fifty fire shower arrays to Li Chang, Li Chang's pupils suddenly shrank, and the hands he received were trembling slightly.

Xiao Yu unexpectedly portrayed fifty fire shower arrays in a week!

Even Tang Ling'er felt a look of surprise on his face.

How did Xiao Yu do it?


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