Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4084: fear

At this moment, not to mention Sheng Hai and those pure spirit realms, but Lan Bai was slightly unable to sit still.

Especially Lan Bai, as a member of the royal family, he knows the general situation of their empire's formation very clearly.

This fire shower formation was the first five formations that Li Chang returned from the academy, and it was the top five formation in the Lanlou Empire!

Among the rebels, some formation masters also followed Li Chang to practice formations, especially them, their faces paled.

The fifth-rank formation method fire shower array, that is already an array method that can fight against the virtual spirit realm!

And there are still fifty! !

Lan Bai asked in a deep voice: "How many formations resembling a fire shower array are there in the treasury recovered?"

A person stood up and trembled: "There are less than forty. This formation is a musket tomb formation, but this formation is slightly less powerful than the fire shower formation..."

The people present were a little discolored.

Although, the number of formations does not completely affect the balance of war victory.

However, it was too scary for them to portray fifty fire shower arrays in a week.

Sheng Hai said solemnly: "Based on what I know about Li Chang, it was during Li Chang's heyday. I couldn't describe so many fire showers in a week."

"Could it be that this kid is about to break through to the Heavenly Spirit Array Mage? Otherwise, how did he do it?" A Array Mage present exclaimed.

It is that Li Chang, as the first mage of the Lanlou Empire, has not reached the level of a heavenly spirit master!

At this moment, Lan Bai stared at Set Jingming who was drinking tea, and the instability in his eyes became more intense.

"Boy, who is your junior!?"

Before, Set Jing had stated that his purpose was to deal with this junior, but they didn't take it seriously.

The fetal element realm, the earth spirit array mage double cultivation, the strength is absolutely limited.

Because for ordinary cultivators like them, it is very difficult to double cultivation, not to mention that the other party is not in the womb element realm, so they don't care.

However, it is such a person who has done things that make them feel incredible.

Everyone was staring at Fu Jingming closely, and they were waiting for Fu Jingming's answer, as if this person had been provoked by Fu Jingming.

Set Jingming took a sip of his tea and said faintly: "Don't make a mistake, my younger brother was not brought by me, but by your adversary. Don't blame this incident on me."

After that, Bu Jingming glanced at the people present, and there was a chill in the depths of his eyes.

Outside of Lan Bai and Sheng Hai, many people's hearts were slightly stunned, as if they had been struck by a blade.

Lan Bai took a deep breath. He also knew that he was a bit gaffe just now, but now he finally understood that they might have to use this person's hand this time.

"We don't mean that, we just want to know who this kid is and what his strength is. Since you want to kill him, you want us to cooperate, so we also need to know the details." Lan Bai said.

After all, he is a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and has a calm mind, and soon is the key to asking questions.

To be honest, although the surface of Fu Jingming was calm, no one knew that he was also slightly shocked inside.

In one week, fifty fifth-rank formations that could be comparable to the attacks of the Void Spirit Realm were drawn! ?

Could this kid be an evildoer! ?

You know, a few days ago, this kid just got in touch with the Rank 5 formation!

In his opinion, as Kuang Ping said secretly, it is very difficult to describe fifty formations comparable to the attacks of the imaginary spirit realm. Even if it is possible to describe fifty formations comparable to the initial spiritual realm Up.

But Xiao Yu did it, and it took a week!

It can be said that the killing intent in Set Jingming's chest is even more awe-inspiring.

He finally understood how ridiculous he was hesitating to come here before, and he also knew that he had come here by the right way, and he must get rid of it!


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