Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4087: Think carefully and fear (on)

Lanling City.

Half a month passed, and there was still a week before Lan Zheng's truce agreement was given to them for a month.

In the first time, the powerhouses in Lanling City did not relax too much, perhaps because the kid from Cangling City surprised them a little bit.

So after arriving at the back, there was no news from Lan Loucheng.

The news from the spies was nothing more than the morale of the entire army in Lanlou City, and then embarrassed on all sides, many people began to have the idea of ​​rebelling.

Defeat the soldiers without fighting, this was the first idea of ​​Langby and the others.

One month's time, naturally, is for the sake of being brothers.

Of course, a month's time was also Lan Bai's ultimatum to Lan Zheng and the others. The opportunity had already been given to them, but if Lan Zheng and the others were stubborn, he would not show mercy.

Therefore, within half a month, they slowly began to feel that they were in their hands.

But that night, the spy who came back was one of the array wizards who sneaked into Li Chang's side, and finally he found the opportunity to get out of the city.

And this formation mage was surprisingly the middle-aged man Kuang Pingping met in Cangling City that night.

Because this person is already an advanced spy, it can be said that if it is not important, he will not come back.

And the last time Xiao Yu portrayed fifty fire shower arrays in a week was because he asked other spies to bring it back.

"Dan Lin, why are you back?" Sheng Hai asked.

"Because of one thing, I feel a little weird." Dan Lin said.

Everyone looked at Danlin. The latter groaned, and said: "That kid has been in retreat in Li Chang's mansion for half a month, and he has not been out for half a month."

"Li Chang's mansion?" Sheng Hai frowned.

Li Chang's mansion is heavily guarded, and because Li Chang himself is a mages, so few people can break into his mansion.

Even before, the level of mystery of Li Chang's mansion was only known to Lan Zheng.

"If I guessed right, he might be portraying the formation, and the original power is greater." Fu Jingming said calmly.

This was almost expected. After all, according to what Lan Bai and the others said, the Fire Shower Array can only deal with the Void Spirit Realm, and if you want to take advantage, you must have a more powerful formation that can fight the Pure Spirit Realm.

But this is what everyone expected, so it was not too surprised. Instead, Dan Lin's face was groaning and said: "Master, the news I want to report is actually not this, but another one."

"I heard from a family member of Li Chang that when Li Chang went out to practice a year ago, he got something, and then he remained locked in the secret room for a while. That kid from Cangling Academy was also The formation is depicted in the secret room."

As soon as Dan Lin said this, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, especially Lan Bai.

"You mean, that kid is in the secret room, it is very possible to use this thing to describe the formation?" Lan Bai immediately came up with the key connection.

Since Li Chang locked himself in the secret room during that time, and now the kid from Cangling Academy is also in the secret room, it is impossible to say that there is no contact.

Even Set Jingming's eyes flickered slightly.

"I thought of one thing. Would it be because of this that Li Chang let Xiao Yu follow him back here?"

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed.


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