Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4090: Give up resistance

In fact, he was vaguely disturbed.

In half a month, Xiao Yu had no news, and he did not dare to disturb Xiao Yu.

Although Xiao Yu gave them big enough surprises and surprises half a month ago, without news for so long, Li Chang didn't know if he had succeeded in it, or how many soul chasing arrows had been portrayed.

Now there is no movement on Xiao Yu's side, but Lanling City is the first to attack. What makes them good?

"Li Chang, I know that you are dedicated to the empire, but this time, our battle has not much chance of victory. If you are still a monarch, then just listen to me.

Lan Zheng was a little unbearable, he couldn't say the word "surrender", and everyone in the entire hall looked heavy.

"Li Chang, listen to what the king said. Although your brothers are willing to be born and die with you, they are not afraid of sacrifice, but you are selfish. They have relatives and friends. Do you want to see them sacrifice in vain? "

"Yes, there are many talented children in Lanlou City. These people are still young. Would you bear to see them killed?"

Lan Zheng also persuaded: "The country is gone, but we are still alive. It's just that the person in power is replaced by someone else. We are gone."

Li Chang's fists were only clenched, and his heart was extremely sad. He didn't speak, and he turned and left.

"Great King..." someone called out softly.

Lan Zheng knew that Li Chang had already made a decision.

"Passing my order, Lan Lou City gives up resistance."

This is already an announcement of surrender.

Lanling City received news of Lan Zheng's surrender, and it was announced that it would take over Lanlou City three days later.

Li Family Mansion.

Today is the third day. Li Chang finally walked out of the room. His eyes didn't have the blood at the beginning, and some were just numbness.

For three days, the Li family did not dare to disturb him, fearing that Li Chang would go crazy because of this, but the facts proved that Li Chang was not crazy, he figured it out instead.

"Lord Li..." The housekeeper Li called out softly.

In the lobby, there are Li Chang's family members, Li's guards and servants. Looking at the sadness on these people's faces, Li Chang knows that he must make a decision.

"Don't worry, I won't give up resistance." Li Chang said, but there was a sense of powerlessness in his words.

Immediately afterwards, Li Chang went outside the secret room. Tang Ling'er was waiting at this moment, and the latter's face was naturally more sad.

Tang Linger also knew the news that Lanling City was about to be attacked, but the problem was that Xiao Yu had not come out!

It is impossible to say not to worry.

And now I still can't disturb Xiao Yu's affairs.

"Isn't it out yet?" Li Chang asked.

Tang Linger shook his head slightly, and said, "It's been a little over half a month, but his breath is still there."

Li Chang nodded, then flipped his hand, and there was a jade box, saying: "It contains soul refining fruit, which I promised Xiao Yu in advance."

Tang Ling'er frowned, and she was smart enough to know Li Chang's decision.

"But Xiao Yu hasn't come out yet."

Immediately afterwards, Li Chang's seal changed, and then there was a light on his palm, and he passed it over, saying: "This is the mark of destruction of the soul refining formation. When their army enters the city, you will urge the destruction formation. This is I built it through the structure of the soul-refining formation in the past three days, but my cultivation level is limited. At that time, Xiao Yu’s soul will be injured a little, but I won’t get mad. This is the best I can think of to awaken Xiao Yu. Method."

Tang Linger nodded slightly, seldom sighing at her who had emotional fluctuations other than Xiao Yu.

Tang Ling'er took over the soul refining fruit and this seal, she knew that Li Chang really did his best for Xiao Yu's safety.

"When the time comes, you can take Xiao Yu and leave, and help me tell him by the way. I am very happy to have him as a junior." Li Chang smiled, but his smile was full of sadness.

After all, Li Chang left.

Tang Linger's heart moved, but she didn't speak, she had guessed what Li Chang wanted to do.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise outside Lanlou City——

"Everyone in Lanlou City listened and gave up resisting, otherwise, kill him!!"

The army of Lanling City finally arrived outside the city.


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