Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4099: Battle under the city

The Lan Lou City that had originally returned, instantly ignited countless fighting spirits because of the battle between Lan Zheng and Li Chang.

When Lan Zheng and Li Chang saw this group of daring men, their fighting spirit became stronger.

In an instant, an extremely tragic war broke out in the north of the city.

The war lasted for half an hour. The number of Lan Bai's rebels and masters was more than ten times that of Lan Lou City, but because of the determination of Lan Lou City to rush to death, he also fought hard at the beginning.

But later, the difference in number and strength caused the balance of victory to lean towards Langby and the others.

The so-called one blast, then decay, and exhaustion.

In the face of reality, the soldiers in Lanlou City were quickly defeated, and the original number of thousands of soldiers soon became less than 500.

The blood flowed into a river, and millions of corpses fell.

It can be said that both sides are stunned.

The two Pure Spirit Realm masters on Lan Zheng's side were all dead, while the five on Lan Bo's side had also died three.

But because of this, Lan Bai and the others still have a great chance of winning, and the entire army has already attacked the city.

At this time, Lan Zheng, Marshal Peng, and Li Chang all had a lot of injuries on their bodies. With them as the head, the rebels only guarded the city gate.

And over there, Lan Bai, Sheng Hai, and the good people's pure spiritual realm masters are headed, and there are at least tens of thousands of troops behind them, all of which are eyeing.

Li Chang had already lost his combat effectiveness. The brief excitement just now made him hold on a little longer, so he was almost always supported by others in the future.

As for Marshal Lan Zheng and Marshal Peng, they were also covered in wounds by Lan Bai and Sheng Hai respectively, and suffered considerable injuries.

Even the leader is invincible, what else can those weak people resist?

I originally thought that my army of so many people could win without fighting, but I didn't expect to receive a dying counterattack from Lanlou City. This time, tens of thousands of people died.

And Lan Lou City had only a few thousand deaths. Of course, Lan Bai couldn't accept such a death figure.

Lan Bai had a grim face and grinned and said: "Dogs of the family, what else do you have to fight with us? But a pity, since you choose to die, there is no possibility of life today!!"

"Do it!"

As soon as Lan Bai's voice fell, he still had Sheng Hai, headed by two powerful masters of the pure spirit realm, and crushed them towards Lan Zheng again.

The people behind Lan Zheng were all face gray, but their eyes flashed with that sonorous fighting spirit.

Although they knew that this wave of offense was the last time and the result was destined, they still would not give up the final resistance.

"I advise you to step back."

Just as Lan Bai and the others were about to swoop over, an indifferent voice began to sound on the wall.

Lan Bai's eyes dazzled, and he immediately looked on the wall. I don't know when, a figure of a young man stood on the wall.

The young man's face was like a crown jade, his eyes were as bright as a star, and there was a chic posture in his fluttering clothes.

Lan Bai's eyes stared at the young man on the city wall like a blade, and Lan Zheng, Li Chang and others also saw the figure.

"Xiao Yu!" Li Chang's face changed drastically.

Didn't you let Xiao Yu leave? Why is this kid running back!

He knew that even if Xiao Yu was here, it would be of no avail!

This kind of battle is no longer something Xiao Yu's level can handle!

"Xiao Yu, hurry up!!"

Lan Bai's eyes shrank, and he grinned and said, "Are you Xiao Yu?"


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