Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4232: Stone Flash vs. Ladder

Everyone stared at Xiao Yu abruptly, one could imagine how powerful the whole rebel army hated Xiao Yu.

However, it was indeed the case. Xiao Yu had already killed thousands of people with twenty five-rank formations with one person's power, and then let the rest of the people directly panic. One can imagine how terrifying this is.

Set Jingming looked at Xiao Yu, and said to Lan Bai, "I will kill him. Just go and finish your business with peace of mind."

Lan Bai glanced at Xiao Yu again, and immediately stared at Lan Zheng, and said coldly: "I was thinking of a brother, I will keep you alive in this world, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant. It has been decided that none of you will survive today! You are the cause of their deaths today."

All of a sudden, the whole audience was filled with a kind of dead silence.

Lan Zheng sighed, looking at these loyal people behind him, his heart was shocked and sad.

"It is I who treated you badly. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely repay you. You are all my people and the warriors of the empire. Your death will be recorded by the empire forever!"

Soon, Marshal Peng took the lead and shouted: "To the death and the empire coexist and die!"

"To the death and the empire coexist and die!"

All of a sudden, a hundred responses, the team of less than three hundred people became enthusiastic on the spot. This loyal man, in repaying the empire, dying for the empire, and giving up his life for the empire, once again exploded with a stronger momentum.

Seeing this scene, Lan Bo just sneered.

"What a loyal man! But it's a pity, your sacrifice will be wasted. Your life is just as worthless as an ant!" Lan Bai said in a cold voice.

In front of his eyes, these people are no different from the dead, so his eyes are filled with pity and sneer.

Everyone is fighting for the last bit of strength, and they are all preparing to die in battle.

Even Tang Ling'er began to gather strength.

Xiao Yu on the city wall felt the determination of so many people and the indomitable fighting spirit that made him extremely moved.

War is cruel, but if a person hopes not to die, then even if he dies in battle, his mind will continue to exist forever.

Xiao Yu was also a person who had participated in wars. He knew very well that what was needed most in battle was momentum and fighting spirit.

At this moment, his fighting spirit was strongly aroused.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's soul began to fluctuate violently. At the same time, Xiao Yu's heart and soul, as well as all the power of the soul, began to shroud under the city wall.


When the power of Xiao Yu's soul poured down, the first one to react was Li Chang of the Divine Mark Earth Spirit Array Mage.

Li Chang's pupils shrank, and immediately looked at Xiao Yu on the wall.

Xiao Yu had already closed his eyes, as if feeling something.

"How is it possible...this kind of fluctuation..." Li Chang's whole body was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Linger, Lan Zheng, Peng Marshal and other masters also sensed that an invisible force was covering them.

Under this kind of power, for some reason, Lan Zheng and the others seemed to feel an extremely powerful power, as if rising from their bones, flesh and blood, and meridians.

At the same time, their blood is completely boiling, and everyone's fighting spirit is rising. Even their souls feel an inexplicable excitement, which makes them full of excitement. Power.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, all the three hundred people enveloped by Xiao Yu were all rising in aura, and the strength and strength of all of them broke through the original level at this moment.

"how is this possible!

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