Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4122: Kill the "chicken" with a sledgehammer

The flag-grabbing conference is the second largest event for the students in the upper house. Although this grand age is only attended by the second-class students, it is also attractive enough.

After all, if you want Grade A students to participate, I am afraid that only the first major event can do it.

Pang Kaiyu said in a puzzled way: "But I heard that this kid won't go to the flag-grabbing conference! Besides, with his cultivation base, he doesn't even reach the Three Spirit Realm, so he will be cannon fodder if he goes."

Tomorrow morning, the setting had already released his words, he must win the flag-snatching conference, which made many people somewhat daunting.

The biggest competition is Qing Mingxin and Du Jun.

These three people have almost determined the top three positions by default.

And what you need to know is that Bu Jingming, Qing Mingxin, and Du Jun are all cultivation bases surpassing the Three Spirit Realm!

A mere fetal elementary realm, mixed in, the ranking must be the bottom.

But obviously, Pang Kaiyu is not stupid, and asked in surprise, "Brother Ming, do you have a way?"

Kuang Ping also looked at Fu Jingming with interest. He also seemed to want to know what Fu Jingming could do.

"There is still some time before the flag-grabbing competition. If he does not participate, I will find a way to let him participate. If he does, I will prevent him from ending the game completely." Bu Jingming seemed confident and indifferent. To say.

"Brother Ming, tell me, is there any way?" Pang Kaiyu seemed even more excited.

After all, for him, he certainly wants revenge even more.

Fu Jingming did not explain, but greeted Kuang Ping and went back to the room, which made Pang Kaiyu confused.

Kuang Ping saw Bu Jingming's calm face after turning around, and there were not too many waves on his face.

"Jing Ming is not a reckless person. This time it has dealt a big blow to him. At this time, he is in need of recovery and retreat. Since he has made a decision, then everything depends on his arrangements." Kuang Ping said calmly.

Pang Kaiyu said in a puzzled way: "But Xiao Yu is always only the fetal elementary realm, and it is only the initial spiritual realm or the degree of the virtual spiritual realm to die before the flag grab meeting. Isn't Ming brother a bit of a sledgehammer?"

Kuang Ping glanced at Pang Kaiyu and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, think about how many unimaginable things this kid has done since he came to the academy? Do you still think he is a chicken?"

Pang Kaiyu's expression changed, and he was a little scared at once, he seemed to understand what Kuang Ping wanted to express.

"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, this kid grows up, the potential is absolutely terrible, and there are only three things, Jing Ming has suffered more than two losses under his hand, he will not let Xiao Yu continue to laugh." Kuang Ping Said calmly.

Pang Kaiyu nodded. Looking back now, starting from He Yiting of the He family, a native of Cangling City, to Set Jingming’s demon pet, Yun Wing Wolf, was severely injured, and then he lost to Xiao Yu in the Pang Kaiyu formation test. Finally, in Lanlou Continent this time, their Cangling City main body children had already lost four times. Of course, the Lanlou Continent was not known this time.

Secretly, their native children in Cangling City already had a big opinion of Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu was helpless with Hei Yanfeng's back, even if he really wanted to deal with him, it couldn't be so easy.

"So many people are paying attention to the flag grabbing conference, I'm afraid..." Pang Kaiyu was still a little worried.

After all, this is a public occasion, and it's not as easy as going elsewhere in private.

"It's not difficult to find a way to deal with him, as long as you don't kill him, after all, the game is ruthless, and no one can be lucky for a lifetime."

After all, Kuang Ping also left.

Pang Kaiyu's eyes flashed with cold light, Xiao Yu, you had better improve your strength quickly, otherwise, you will soon suffer!


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