Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4127: Guiding the way monster (middle)

Tang Ling'er continued: "It said that the two people had been here no less than three times. The first time they came, they came here to hunt monsters, but they accidentally broke into it after a few days. The individual came out safe and sound."

"I have been here twice during the period, and it was the fourth time that someone who was familiar with the road entered through that loophole. This time is the fourth."

In other words, every time Yang Xi and Zhang Ming came over, they were caught by the monster beast just now, because the monster beast was always nearby.

In addition, the strength of this monster beast is not low, so it hides on the side.

Xiao Yu glanced at the monster beast. It was a very ordinary four-legged monster beast with black hair, resembling a wolf and tiger, with a gloomy aura.

"It seems that the intelligence of the monster beast cannot be underestimated." Xiao Yu murmured.

Who would have thought that this monster beast had been observing the two people in Lingtian Academy just now? And it was still not discovered.


The monster beast roared at Xiao Yu, his eyes were extremely proud and disdainful, as if saying: You humans are not the only ones who are so smart.

"What else?" Li Chang asked nervously.

If this is the case, then this monster must have also inquired some of the situation from those two people, this is the information they urgently need now, because it will greatly help them whether to move forward.

"According to what those two people said, there seems to be a magical place in the vicious place inside, and there is a relic of a strong man in that place."

"Remains of the strong?" Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, a look of excitement flashed.

Tang Ling'er secretly shook her head, she knew Xiao Yu would react like this.

Li Chang thought for a while, and said: "That should be where I found the soul refining formation, but I didn't find any ruins, so it is very likely that I was on the periphery at the time."

The more Li Chang said so, Xiao Yu became more interested.

"What else did it say?" Xiao Yu asked impatiently, ignoring Tang Linger's reproachful eyes.

Tang Linger said: "It doesn't know the specifics, all it knows is that the place has existed for a long time, and even those people inside seem to be unable to set foot easily."

"Those people inside? Are they those who were exiled?" Li Chang asked nervously.

Compared with the ruins of the powerful, he cares more about the exiled people in the Vicious Land, because Li Chang is worried that these people will attack their Lanlou Empire.

"Yes, it said that those two people seemed to be cooperating with the people inside, and then it didn't know what kind of agreement or agreement they had between them."

At this point, Xiao Yu and Li Chang showed different looks.

Xiao Yu was looking forward, wondering, and even looking forward to exploring.

But Li Chang looked worried.

"The strength of those two people is not low. Since they have a way to enter, they must be carrying secret arts or treasures. If they really have some agreement with those exiles, will it be related to attacking our Lanlou Empire? "Li Chang said to himself solemnly.

This loyal and righteous man who was loyal and courageous to the Lanlou Empire said that he thought about the safety of the Lanlou Empire.

In fact, it is no wonder, after all, Li Chang had fought against those in exile. Although he was young and vigorous back then, such scenes were also vivid in purpose.

Xiao Yu asked: "Ling'er, ask him how strong the exiles are."


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