Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4134: Please enter the urn (part 1)

Xiao Yu walked over to a stall. It was a long black knife. The blade of the long knife was very sharp, and there was a deep, icy chill inside.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, this is a middle-grade spirit treasure!

Although the blade of this long knife is sharp, its body is rusty, and the breath on the knife body is dull and not inspiring. It is obviously a "four knives", which is calm for a long time and fades away. The knife mans.

Of course Xiao Yu didn't have much interest, and those who walked by the road just glanced at it, as if not much interest.

The strength of these people is not very high, not even the level of the Three Spirit Realm.

In the rare streets, only two or three of the ten people are cultivators.

There were only a few people in the stall, and at first glance, there was nothing too attractive.

"The cultivation resources here are really scarce, but they all seem to be disdainful." Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said strangely.

It's like seeing a person in a psychic realm just now. There is a good middle-grade spirit treasure on the ground. In Xiao Yu's view, that middle-grade spirit treasure is very good for a psychic realm, but that person saw it. Not eye-catching.

Tang Linger thought for a while, and said, "Could they have seen too many similar spirit treasures? After all, it is so close to the ruins, and the ruins are left by a strong man."

Xiao Yu thought it made sense, but they didn't stay for too long, and soon left.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu stopped, and he looked back.

"What's wrong?" Li Chang asked.

Tang Linger also followed Xiao Yu's gaze, and immediately looked at Xiao Yu.

"Did you feel it too?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Well, but it disappeared soon."

Li Chang was shocked, he quickly turned around, someone was staring at them just now?

But in this way, there is no one.

"It disappears quickly, it seems that the strength is not simple." Xiao Yu muttered.

But shortly afterwards, Xiao Yu's face stretched out and said, "It just so happens that we are short of someone, so let's invite you to enter the urn."

Tang Ling'er nodded thoughtfully, but Li Chang still didn't know what happened.

The night fell quickly, and the three of Xiao Yu and the others searched for a remote small building to temporarily live in.

At night, the surroundings are terribly quiet and there seems to be only the sound of wind blowing.

"call out!"

After a while, a figure flickered to the door of the small building. He wanted to go in, but hesitated.

After a while, the figure finally stopped hesitating, and immediately rushed to the door. Who knew that the moment when he entered, the surrounding fire light lit up, and then immediately took care of this person's face.

This man is a young man, his face is pale, and he looks panicked.

With a stride, he was about to flee immediately, but there was an extra figure at the door.

"Since I'm here, what are you going out to do?" Who else could this person be? Naturally Xiao Yu.

The young man was taken aback and took three steps back, only to find that there were also two auras from behind that were forcing him. He looked back and was so scared that the three souls disappeared from the seven souls.

At this time, Xiao Yu could see the face of this person clearly. This person was still very young. In Xiao Yu's opinion, this person was a little different from those outside, because this person had an extra Kind of the spirit of outsiders.

Who knows, at this moment, the young man's eyes drenched, and he shot towards Xiao Yu as soon as he caught it.

A black light suddenly condensed in his palm.


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