Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4142: Fetal Yuan Xingchen (Part 2)

Of course, Xiao Yu could not be seen in the room, because he was already in the second world space at this time.

And all the surging heaven and earth spiritual power in the room surging towards a certain point, like a bottomless vortex, absorbing this heaven and earth spiritual power.

This point is the mark of the second world space.

At this time, in the second world space.

Xiao Yu was constantly running around with one qi and three swallows. Around him, the invisible spiritual power of heaven and earth continued to flow into his body from all directions.

During this step, Xiao Yu was going to break through the fetal origin realm.

I saw that his pale golden fetal primordial realm began to fluctuate, like a water polo.

It was this water polo that gave Xiao Yu enough power to spur and burst out during the battle.

Although the Three Spirit Realm is a change in the induction of heaven and earth in the process of the fetal element evolving into a spirit, this change is also reflected with the deformation of the fetal element.

I saw that the fetal element that was originally like a water polo began to roll, and finally began to compress.

The so-called different routes lead to the same goal.

Many realms, such as the sea of ​​qi, the gods, and the like, are a process of a kind of gas, then a liquid, and then a container that can carry spiritual power.

Therefore, Xiao Yu was not surprised by the change in the shape of Fei Yuan.

Since the fetal yuan was constantly compressed, and then compressed, it finally turned into a star-like thing emitting a pale golden light in Xiao Yu's body.

"This is the fetal yuan star!"

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and a powerful storm swept through his body at the same time, and there was a golden light gleaming between his eyebrows.


Suddenly, some golden light burst out of Xiao Yu's body. At the same time, behind Xiao Yu, there was a faint golden shadow of a golden five-clawed dragon.


The five-clawed golden dragon let out a low roar, and a kind of supreme domineering aura spread.

"It's done!" Xiao Yu was delighted.

Yes, Xiao Yu successfully broke through to the initial spiritual realm!

The phantom of the five-clawed golden dragon that appeared behind him just now appeared because of the dragon swallowing qi he cultivated.

And at this time, the golden thing in his body that looked like a star was surprisingly the so-called fetal origin star, an evolution of the fetal origin.

"Finally reached this state."

Xiao Yu opened his eyes, and a surprise came up.

His mind moved, and the wandering heaven and earth spiritual power around him began to linger on his arm, and then Xiao Yu clenched his fist and struck out.


The first time he mastered the spiritual power of heaven and earth, he punched out of thin air, but it burst out with an extremely strong domineering aura.

It's simply stronger than before. I don't know how much.

And Xiao Yu knew that from this moment on, when his strength became stronger and stronger, and his manipulation of the power of heaven and earth became more skillful and powerful, it would be easy for him to move mountains and fill the sea with his actions.

This is the ability of the strong to break the world with one thought, and even destroy one world.

Without the powerful perception and manipulation of the power of heaven and earth, it would be impossible to achieve this point.

"This kind of cultivation is not enough, come again!"

Xiao Yu flipped his hand, and a four-stripe Earth Spirit Pill appeared again.

Because two four-stripe Earth Spirit Pills were issued last time, Xiao Yu asked Xiao Yu to provide one more Spirit Pill to assist him.

Of course, it was very difficult for Xiao Yu to raise a small realm with a four-stranded earth spirit pill.

Because he had already swallowed one before he broke through, the effect of the other one would of course be greatly reduced, but Xiao Yu wanted to consolidate his cultivation level before dawn.

Without saying anything, he swallowed the second four-stranded earth spirit pill.


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