Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4145: Communication (above)

Suddenly, there was a powerful wave surging out of Xiao Yu's body, and then his physical body turned into a powerful vortex, absorbing the spiritual power of the world around him.

Then, Xiao Yu's eyes burst into golden light.

The middle stage of the first spiritual realm!

Yes, in a short period of effort, Xiao Yu relied on his epiphany and suddenly rushed to a small level.

The eyes of Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiong Qi were both shining with a strange light.

The ancient monsters on both ends didn't expect that Xiao Yuchun had an epiphany in their words, allowing his strength to break through.

The so-called epiphany is something you can't find. A person may encounter it several times in his life, but they are very few. Basically, the ability to encounter an epiphany once proved a talent.

But Qiongqi knew it, but Xiao Yu had realized it more than once.

But who knew that when the golden light in Xiao Yu's eyes began to perish, his heart began to beat violently.

The same golden heart, one heart vein, two heart veins, three heart veins, forty-one... and then to forty-five heart veins!

Xiao Yu's heart began to burst out a very heavy aura of strength, that was the aura of martial arts!

From the original 41 heart veins, Xiao Yu has just opened four more!

Qiong Qi and Jin Wing Dapeng couldn't help being surprised again.

"This kid...has been beaten with blood?" Qiongqi said dumbfounded.

When Xiao Yu had forty-one heart veins before, his strength was already comparable to the pinnacle of the fetal yuan realm. At that time, it was enough to contend with the early stage of the first spirit realm.

And now it has just jumped to forty-five heart veins!

Wouldn't it be possible to compete with the virtual spirit realm?

They thought that Xiao Yu's epiphany was only enough for his natural strength, but they didn't expect that even Wu Mingdian would also improve.

This is extremely rare.

This is like a person who understands brush writing and landscape painting. The brush writing suddenly has an insight, and the writing is more refined and more energetic, but this kind of epiphany connects with the improvement of the painting skills of the landscape painting. The landscape is more lifelike, agile and dynamic.

"No, this is not a simple epiphany..." The Golden Wing Roc stared at Xiao Yu and said suddenly.

"Could it be..." Qungqi suddenly thought of something, and suddenly gasped.

"Tong Wu!!" Jin Wing Dapeng and Qiong Qi exclaimed in unison.

The so-called enlightenment is also a kind of enlightenment, but if enlightenment can be met and cannot be found, it is difficult to find one person out of ten thousand people, then enlightenment may only appear in the enlightenment of ten thousand individuals. Once again.

And this requirement for talent is absolutely unprecedented.

The two monsters couldn't help but gasp.

They already regarded Xiao Yu very highly, but at this moment, they still felt that they underestimated Xiao Yu.

At this time, outside the door.

It was already midnight, and they were ready to wait for Xiao Yu to dawn.

And just now, Xiao Yu's ability to break through to the Three Spirit Realm only briefly inspired Li Chang.

For Tang Ling'er, Xiao Yu's breakthrough was just a matter of course, so she wouldn't have any surprises at all. What she was waiting for was what Xiao Yu was doing inside, and what surprises and surprises would await them.

But at this moment, an extremely powerful fluctuation spread from the room.

"This is... the breath of breakthrough?"


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