Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4157: Robbery (Part 1)

The moment the power on Metz began to surge, a deep aura swept away.

Repair demons!

Of course, Mozi is not a pure demon cultivator. It is only because of the situation of the evil land that the people here are more or less related to the demon cultivating aura.

In addition, over the past hundreds of years, many people have obtained many cultivating treasures from around the ruins, and over time, they have been contaminated with this kind of power.

Black energy fluctuations gathered in his palm, and his cultivation aura that exceeded the Three Spirit Realm suddenly rose into the sky.

Li Chang's face turned pale, this person's strength was actually stronger than Lan Zheng, the strongest of their Lanlou Empire!

In this way, if Metz is really released, the Orchid Tower Empire will probably perish!

Thinking of this, Li Chang's eyes became more solemn and determined.

Without saying anything, Li Chang rushed up first.

Tang Ling'er and Que Xin also followed, entangled with Mozi.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of constant power collisions rang from behind, and Mozi, Zhang Ming, and Yang Xi were confronted by Li Chang, Tang Linger, and Que Xin respectively.

In addition to Tang Ling'er, Li Chang and Que Xin obviously also invested 120% of their strength and determination, and the three broke out their strongest offensive.

Mozi was already stronger than Li Chang, but Li Chang just dragged him and made him inseparable.

Tang Linger didn't feel much pressure on Zhang Ming.

Que Xin faced Yang Xi, of course the former was under a lot of pressure, but he also knew that if he didn't work hard, he would not end well.

For the time being, the three of them can still contain Metz and the others, making them unable to get away.

"What do you dare to do, kill that kid!!" Mozi yelled coldly.

The eyes of the dozen people behind them flashed with black light, and they immediately swept up, because they had already seen Xiao Yu walked to the ruins and was about to pick it.

Xiao Yu ignored the situation behind him for the time being. He stepped onto the ruins, preparing to pick the bluegrass.

Xiao Yu didn't hesitate, he picked the bluegrass quintessence immediately, then packed and packed it in a jade box.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu had just collected it, and a dozen auras enveloped him at the same time.

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and the Soul Resurrection Tower was suddenly assassinated.

None of these people's cultivation bases are very strong, but they are in the primordial primordial realm, as well as the initial spiritual realm, and the most imaginary spiritual realm.

Xiao Yu held the soul-suppression tower and rushed in.

The soul-suppressing tower continuously assassinates terrifying black awns, these black awns, with a trace of golden energy on it, further demonstrate the weight and solemnity of the power of the Buddha.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the Buddha and the demon was blessed on the soul-suppression tower, which seemed to have activated the soul-suppression tower, and the continuous black light and the power of Senhan burst out. A dozen people, within a few minutes, were all killed by Xiao Yu .

Mozi's eyes shrank, and the murderous intent became even more frenzied.

He knew it now, the initial spiritual realm must not be Xiao Yu's true cultivation base!

This kid is weird and must be killed!

Of course he didn't know that the reason why Xiao Yu had such a powerful force was entirely due to the combination of the Nine Ranks Magic Rune Art and the Great Prajna Sutra.

To be honest, even Xiao Yu was slightly surprised.

"The power of the Buddha and the demon is really powerful! With the Soul Suppression Tower, it is like a tiger!" Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, a voice suddenly shouted--

"Break it for me!"


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