Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4160: Fight again with Zhang Ming and Yang Xi (Part 2)


Xiao Yu's body shook suddenly, and an extremely solemn and profound force began to bloom in his body.


Xiao Yu stomped on the ground suddenly, his figure burst out, and the soul-suppression tower began to shake a circle of ripples. Such ripples are the coldest, darkest, and still make the soul The demonic aura of the trembling situation.

The weapon storms of Zhang Ming and Yang Xi soared, turning into an aura as large as a hundred meters, and shrouded immediately.

The space began to vibrate. Obviously, the strength of Zhang Ming and Yang Xi had already begun to reach the limit of this space plane.

You know, every space plane, secret realm, etc. has a limit of strength.

When this limit is exceeded, the space will begin to crack, then burst, and finally destroyed.

The law of space in the Lanlou Continent is the same as that of all higher planes. This so-called sameness, worthy is the nature, it is the nature of power.

This is different from the broken secret space.

In that space, because of the special laws of space, Xiao Yu couldn't use the blood of the dragon clan to suppress other monsters.

Moreover, the power of all people who entered it was suppressed at the same time.

This is the law of independent space.

The law of space here in Lanlou Continent is the same as that of other continents, but there is a limit to the strength of law involved.

When the power exceeds the capacity of this space, the space will be broken.

Therefore, if a plane continent wants to be strong, the most critical factor is the strength of the creatures inside.

The stronger all the creatures on the plane, the stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the overall space plane can withstand.

The strongest cultivation base of the Orchid Tower Empire is only a little bit higher than that of the Three Spirit Realm, so this continent will always be at the bottom of the Seventy-two Great Heaven World.

Therefore, in the battle of the strong, under normal circumstances, they will choose to fight on higher roads instead of these continents. Because the space is broken, it will merge into the space turbulence, and it will be very difficult to escape.

Of course, the plane continent is guarded by someone and cannot be easily destroyed unless it exists like a mighty power.

However, a cultivation base like the Mighty One would not be guilty of destroying a plane continent.

As for the thirty-six small world, it was the fragmentation of the ancient continent that year. It was because the contention and wars of the ancient continent were so fierce that the mighty ones destroyed it and split the ancient continent into three. Sixteen little days of the world.

Since then, no one has destroyed any continent.

In fact, the endurance limit of the space plane is of course much more than the strongest strength collision. This is also the reason why the world of Nine Heavens has been able to survive so many years in this world.

Otherwise, imagine that if the strongest players of a plane are fighting against each other, the limit that the space plane can withstand is such a level, isn't any plane space afraid to fight?

Because the battle will shatter the space plane, not only the people of the plane will die, but they will also be involved in the space turbulence.

Therefore, the level of the pure spirit realm just makes the space shake.

When the fighting power reaches a certain level, the space within a certain range will respond in this way.

But they are not the latter's reaction, but the vibration that is really continuous throughout the space.

This is very scary.


In the next second, Xiao Yu's Soul Resurrection Tower was like the sun at sunrise, like a purple gas coming from the east, and suddenly pierced into the offensive of Zhang Ming and Yang Xi.


The terrifying vibrating breath directly swept out of the range of thousands of meters, and a piece of dust swept up on the spot.

The fighting between Mozi and Tang Linger was also forced to stop.

The smoke and dust billowed, and peace was quickly restored.

Mozi's face was indifferent. In his opinion, the offensive just now was enough to kill Xiao Yu, but the next second, when he saw the battlefield, his face instantly solidified.


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