Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4182: I almost wanted to kill me

In fact, Zhang Xin has been suppressing his emotions and mood.

However, facing the murderer who killed his brother, he was so grandiose after repeated denials, which made Zhang Xin furious.

Such a person, if you keep it or not kill, is it still in this world?

The most important thing is that his own brother was killed by this man!

He didn't even see the body!

"Boy, I want to kill you without a place to bury you!!"

Zhang Xin took it out with a palm, and in an instant, the space crack appeared instantly, Li Chang's pupils shrank, and his heart was full of horror. This is the real powerhouse!

A casual shot made the space shake out a crack! !

You know, no matter how fierce the battle between Xiao Yu and Mozi is, it is at best the state of the white spider crack.

This also shows how great and terrifying Zhang Xin's anger is.

Zhang Xin's palm strength is simply better than Mozi's all-out effort, I don't know how much!

This is to smash Xiao Yu with one blow! !

A black and gold whirlpool appeared in Xiao Yu's eyes. Yes, this was the situation presented by the power of urging Buddha and magic.

In fact, when Zhang Xin called Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu actually expected this scene to happen.

At that time, Xiao Yu had never thought about running away, because he knew very well that he had no way to escape.

Because in front of such a strong person, running away is useless at all, or it is meaningless.

So he chose to face Zhang Xin because he knew very well that he had to face Zhang Xin anyway.

In that case, why should he be merciful?

What he said just now is what he has always insisted on.

As it is now, even if he died in battle, Xiao Yu would never choose to surrender!


Suddenly, there was a terrifying and powerful pressure on Xiao Yu's body. Immediately after Xiao Yu clenched his fist, a terrifying vortex began to gather from all directions.

The power of heaven and earth instantly transformed into the power of Buddha and magic, Xiao Yu's arm shook, and his fist shook up.

"Mocha Boxing!"


Xiao Yu's boxing punched out, and the spatial cracks that had originally appeared became bigger. Under this pair of encounters, the Demon Shaquan froze for a while, and then suddenly shattered. Xiao Yu's figure was instantly repelled twice. One hundred meters.


The horrible momentum swept out, and within a kilometer range, all the woods were uprooted and immediately turned into powder.

Tang Ling'er, Li Chang and others were shaken out by this aftermath of a thousand meters away.

At the moment when the fist burst, a golden five-clawed golden dragon appeared on Xiao Yu's body, and only then did he barely resolve the powerful and terrifying oppression.

But because of this, Xiao Yu was still shaken out two hundred meters, and a long trace was drawn on the ground. After Xiao Yu's figure settled down, his knees were already submerged under the ground.

The dragon-shaped phantom that Zhenlong Zhuang was talking about was shattered, and Xiao Yu hung his arms down, dripping with blood.

Looking at Zhang Xin, he was actually forced back several meters.

With this blow, Zhang Xin did not use any spiritual skills, pure fists of the power of heaven and earth, and Xiao Yu, once again used the magic brake fist to counteract it, and was still shocked by a distance of two hundred meters. .

It can be said that Xiao Yu had no chance of winning at all, and he was also injured.

However, Zhang Xin and his two partners were shocked.

"How is it possible, this kid..."

A kid with only the middle stage of the First Spirit Realm could actually force Zhang Xin back several meters! !

This is definitely an unprecedented scene.

The black-faced youth and the long-faced youth know that Zhang Xin's cultivation level is enough to rank in the top ten in the upper courtyard of Lingtian College! !

Is this kid an evildoer?

Xiao Yu felt that his right arm was numb. Although blood was dripping, although the power of the Buddha and magic once again consumed almost all of his power, although his face appeared pale, he still raised his head slightly, the kind of expression in his eyes. The color of stubbornness and sarcasm is particularly strong.

"You are strong, but you almost want to kill me."

Suddenly, Zhang Xin's heart was shocked, what a determined boy! ! This is the first time he has seen such a defeated person, and there is such a proud bone!

Zhang Xin knows that his palm seems to have the absolute upper hand, but in his own view, he has lost half the deal after all.

This kid, what an amazing combat power!


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