Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4207: Concern

Xiao Yu certainly would not refine the beasts of Qiongqi and the Golden Winged Roc. Even though the two monsters are in the top ten of the rankings, even if they are monsters with the cold attribute, Xiao Yu would not do this. It's just a joke.

"It looks like I have to ask about it." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said.

The first thing he thought of was Cangling Academy.

Such a huge student, even though the **** has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, the foundation still exists.

A beast of a monster beast, and it is still a group, if you ask, you still know a lot of information.

After coming out of the second world space, Xiao Yu went upstairs.

Tang Ling'er had already woke up the next day, but she was still very weak at that time.

But seeing Tang Ling'er okay, Xiao Yu was finally relieved.

It's just that Tang Ling'er's face didn't have the same look of the past, and it looked relatively pale and depressed.

"Why? I have flowers on my face?" Tang Linger couldn't help asking when Xiao Yu kept looking at his face.

Xiao Yu reacted and smiled: "No, I just think you look better and better."

Tang Linger's face rose with two blushes, gave Xiao Yu a glance, and said, "Greasy mouth is smooth."

Why doesn't Tang Ling'er know what is going on?

At this time, her qi and blood hadn't recovered, and her face didn't have the luster and look that it used to be.

"But without you, I don't know what to do." Xiao Yu sighed lightly and said.

Tang Linger said indifferently: "Then you don't hurry up to practice."

Xiao Yu smiled, Tang Linger was teasing herself.

However, Xiao Yu regained his serious expression and said, "You will take a good rest during this period. I will not let you take risks anymore."

Tang Linger frowned: "Are you going out again?"

In fact, it is quite normal for students to go out to perform tasks and practice.

Even the students in the Lower House will often go out.

Cultivation is more than just discussing, meditation, and meditation. It is very important to practice combat and to find inspiration for creation.

But they didn't have a long time to rest after escaping, and they wanted to go out again, which worried Tang Linger.

"I won't go out for the time being, but I should go out before the flag grab meeting." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said.

There are still three months to go before the flag-grabbing conference, and there will be a period of time to go to the coffin mainland, of course, the premise is to wait for Chu Dongmen to get the pass.

During this period of time, Xiao Yu planned to cultivate here temporarily.

What else Tang Linger wanted to say, Xiao Yu smiled and said: "You can cultivate me well. At the Flag Snatching Conference, we have to grab the first place!"

Although Tang Linger was cultivating, he heard that Xiao Yu was going to stand up and fight for the number one with Fu Jingming, and he might be rejected by everyone.

But even though Tang Linger wanted to go out with Xiao Yu, she didn't want Xiao Yu to worry.

"Then you have to tell me before you go out, don't leave secretly." Tang Linger glanced at Xiao Yu and said.

Xiao Yu's heart warmed, Tang Ling'er's tone was irritating and caring. She was afraid that Xiao Yu would leave secretly and would not tell herself, for fear that she would follow.

"Don't worry, I will tell you, and you will give me a good training. There are still many places I haven't been to!"

Xiao Yu said with a smile, and after that, Xiao Yu greeted and left.

After a while, that deep voice sounded in the room.

"Miss, don't have another time, it's dangerous for you to do this! If you do it again..." The voice was very anxious.

"Well, I know." Tang Linger nodded.

But Tang Ling'er recalled what Xiao Yu had just said, her beautiful eyes flickered, but soon it dimmed.

"I also want to accompany you to travel throughout the Nine Heavens World, but..." Tang Linger felt a little lost.

"Don't worry, I will do my best to make you better."


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