Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4223: Show off

Xiao Yu was a little helpless, but there was nothing he could do. When he moved his mind, the dragon-suppressing pile suddenly started to move.

Immediately afterwards, countless qi and blood powers condensed in Xiao Yu's bloodline. These qi and blood powers were like boiling magma, and suddenly began to rush wildly in his body.

A terrifying heat wave swept through Xiao Yu's body, and the breathtaking monster aura suddenly filled the entire room.

The whole room suddenly seemed to have entered a world of monsters, that kind of violent, primitive, domineering, and even a breath of suffocating king monsters, which made Elder Gongsun suddenly stunned.

And shortly afterwards, Xiao Yu once again exploded with a more terrifying aura, and his energy and blood power actually climbed steadily.

"How could it be..." Elder Gongsun was stunned again.

As a soul cultivator, his perception ability is much stronger than ordinary cultivators.

And even though he was a Celestial Spirit Alchemist, he had traveled to many plane continents in the Nine Heavens World, and he had naturally come into contact with the monster beasts of the Heaven and Earth Ranking.

And the breath of the monster power on Xiao Yu's body is simply too pure and powerful!

The breath radiating from that pure bloodline made him look like he was facing a high-level monster in a human form.

Moreover, this kind of energy and blood power had completely surpassed Xiao Yuchu's spiritual realm as a cultivation base.

Then, the next moment, Elder Gongsun seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said: "No!"

But it was too late.

Xiao Yu's body was like a volcano that had been gathering momentum for a long time, and the energy of his body suddenly rose to the sky.

The house was shattered in an instant, and immediately afterwards, the power of faint golden blood began to form a faint five-clawed golden dragon in the sky.

That powerful and pure aura immediately enveloped the entire pill peak.

In an instant, those children who were refining alchemy, or those who did not refining alchemy, were all awakened.

"What an amazing power of vitality!!"

"No, this is the breath of a monster! And the bloodline seems to be very high!"

Fan Mo and Li Qiang's faces were moved.

Could someone make trouble on the peak of pill medicine?

But how is this possible? Who would dare to do this?

"Huh? That seems to be the place where Elder Gongsun and the kid went." Someone recognized this place and exclaimed.

"Could it be that kid?"

Fan Mo and Li Qiang's eyes stared.

This kind of momentum is really shocking, after all, the two are considered pill refining geniuses in the Pill Medicine Pavilion, and they also know how the strength of the people in the upper courtyard exists.

"This kind of breath has reached the pure spirit realm." Li Qiang said in a deep voice.

But just now that kid was only the level of the First Spirit Realm!

His physical power is so terrifying! ?

But soon, the ghost beast in the sky began to slowly dissipate.

"Who is this guy? Among the top ten students of the second class in the upper courtyard, I don't seem to have seen this kid."

These alchemy children became curious.

The level of the Three Spirit Realm already had a place among the first-class students, so they knew it must be the second-class student's level.

But class B students have seen a lot of them, and they have never seen this person at all.

"Humph! It's just a grandstanding guy." Fan Mo snorted coldly, not paying attention.


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