Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4240: Incredible speed increase

In fact, the people who watched the battle in the distance did not leave, they were all looking at Xiao Yu, with some hesitation and expectation in their eyes.

Mo Xiaoqi smiled and said, "Surely these guys didn't believe your body skills at the beginning, right?"

When Mo Xiaoqi and Xiao Yu went to Pingshan Continent to temper their bodies, they had seen Xiao Yu's body skills under the walls of the Huo family.

The golden shadow is extremely fast, and Mo Xiaoqi knows that this is definitely not an ordinary body skill, and the rank is still very high.

Therefore, when she heard that Xiao Yu was looking down on Set Jingming's ladder technique, she guessed it.

The fact that Weng Xiao was beaten to the ground by Xiao Yu was also enough to show that Xiao Yu's physique had overwhelmed Weng Xiao's.

Of course, Mo Xiaoqi knew that Xiao Yu was talented and had a lot of physical and hole cards, but she was still very transparent in her heart, that is, she knew that Xiao Yu would hardly be Weng Xiao's opponent if she really wanted to fight.

A pure spirit realm, a first spiritual realm, this is not a chasm that can be crossed casually.

Even when Xiao Yu killed Huo Zhe, he also borrowed the power of the Golden Wing Roc and Qiongqi.

Therefore, Mo Xiaoqi could also know that Xiao Yu mostly took advantage of his body and speed, coupled with Weng Xiao's underestimation, so that such a scene would appear.

They seemed to be a little embarrassed when they heard what Mo Xiaoqi was saying, but they were reluctant to leave.

Xiao Yu said calmly: "Since I said to teach everyone for free, there are no conditions. If you want to learn, come over tomorrow morning and I will concentrate on teaching."

Those people's eyes lit up, and then left happily.

Today’s battle gave them an insight into what it means to defeat the strong with the weak.

Although Xiao Yu was better than Weng Xiao in technique, and Weng Xiao was also underestimating the enemy, but a discerning person knew at a glance that Xiao Yu's body and spirit skills were too high.

Those people left, and Luo Feng asked curiously: "Brother Yu, if you teach this way, are you afraid that those people will use it to deal with you after they learn it?"

Xiao Yu smiled faintly, and said: "Shenfa is just a supplementary method. I taught them. First, I don't want the set Jingming guys to be so arrogant. Second, I can help me share the burden in the flag grab meeting."

"And you have to know that body spells and spirits are only an external thing, not for a lifetime."

Of course, shenfa doesn't accompany it for a lifetime, that's because spiritual arts are of rank.

Just like Xiao Yu's current Jinshi flashing technique, it was probably of an earthly level.

But don't forget that the jinshi flash art is the body technique of the Gu carving, which is the combination of the Gu carving's natal attributes, that is, the combination of the metal sexual energy and the power of space.

Gu Diao is the seventy-three on the Heaven List!

Its body law speed can almost reach the level of teleportation.

Think about it, in the secret realm of the purple fox family, it was simply a Gu eagle with only the remnant soul, and the speed of the stone flash technique was enough to make Xiao Yu, Qiongqi, and the Golden Wing Roc all resist. but.

It is enough to imagine how powerful this type of body is at the peak of Gu Eagle.

Of course, what Xiao Yu didn't actually say was that the essence of Jinshi flashing technique lies in the fusion of spatial power. The more spatial powers merge, the faster the speed, and the more unresponsive it is.

Mo Xiaoqi suddenly said, "Xiao Yu, should I join you? You should be the only one in your team, Linger sister, and this guy, right?"


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