Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4250: Hong Sheng (Part 1)

At this time, on the mountainside of a certain mountain peak, there is a small courtyard independently of pavilions, birds and beasts.

On the courtyard, two old men are playing this chess.

Among them, an old man was wearing a black robe, his face was red, and he also had long black hair.

A pair of eyebrows looked extremely sharp, and there was a fierce breath faintly exuding his whole body. Although it was unintentional, it made people who are not familiar with him feel a sense of being kept away from others.

Opposite the black-clothed old man was an extremely burly old man.

Even if the old man is sitting here, he looks very burly and tall.

The old man's complexion was also very ruddy, and his sharply angular face knew at first glance that he was a masculine person when he was young.

Although he has long white hair, if he gets close, he can also feel a heat wave.

The burly old man who spoke just now was impressively white-haired, but the burly old man spoke with a smile.

The two were playing backgammon at this time. Old Hong did not raise his head, and said, "Did you forget that Dongmen stood up for the top ten for those guys during the last meeting? He wanted us to help him experience that. Kid."


The burly old man laughed, full of air in the laughter, and the whole courtyard was filled with a hearty laughter.

"That kid is really amazing. My girl went to Pingshan Continent with him. After I came back, the meridians were opened up, and I did it according to my requirements, and the cultivation level was rapid." The white-haired old man said satisfied.

Yes, this person is Hong Xuanfeng's peak master, Yu Chang.

And his opposite, Lao Hong, is the boss of Xingtang, and the master of Heihutang and Baifengtang, Hong Sheng.

Hong Sheng continued to play a move, and said: "That kid is indeed a little discreet, no wonder Dongmen wants to experience him, I heard that Gongsun Jin also accepted him as a pill refining boy."

"Well, Gongsun Jin told me that he has taken a fancy to that kid's soul talent." Yu Chang said.

Yuchang then sighed: "But in fact, it's no wonder that you think about it, that guy Tusi is so proud, and he's paying attention to that kid in secret. Gongsun Jin didn't have a closed disciple, of course he wanted to be a closed disciple Up."

Soul cultivators, formations, alchemy, and refining are in fact common, and they are all based on the soul.

Therefore, these three occupations are easy to learn from and communicate with each other.

It's just that the soul realm is too large compared to ordinary cultivators, so it takes a lot of time, and generally fewer people do double cultivation.

Hong Sheng said calmly: "But after all, it's not under his own sect. It's not good to do too much."

Yuchang smiled and said: "Yes, I heard that the boy's physical body is also a strong horror. In the beast arena, even the cloud-winged wolf was severely injured. Tsk tsk, the girl Xiaoqi also told me that he has a special The method of his fleshly bloodline seems to have the aura of a monster, even the Golden Retriever Ape can be killed."

Having said this, Yu Chang's eyes flickered slightly with red light, which was an expression of excitement.

Of course Mo Xiaoqi also told him about the Beast Tide incident in the Pingshan Continent.

In addition to what Xiao Yu did in the upper and lower courtyards, Yu Chang was of course more interested in Xiao Yu's body.

After all, they Hong Xuanfeng specializes in physical training!

Seeing such a wizard, how could he not be moved?

Hearing this, Hong Sheng's eyes flickered slightly, which reminded him of Tengyuan Continent.


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