Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4253: How to punish me

The Xingtang has a place for law enforcement in the upper and lower houses. The last time Xiao Yu was punished by Qingyin was in the lower house. This time, Xiao Yu came to the upper house, and the upper house is naturally the headquarters of the Xingtang.

At this time, because of Xiao Yu's arrival, many people had gathered on the mountain where Xingtang was located.

These people are all students in the upper courtyard. They even temporarily put aside their cultivation and ran over to watch the excitement.

Of course, some of them still had lessons in Xiao Yu's class.

Among the crowd, the one who gloated the most was of course the local students in Cangling City.

"This kid is really amazing. He dared to be arrested, but didn't he come here obediently in the end?"

"Hehe, no matter how much he has the patience, how can he fight against Xingtang? Xingtang can kick out the student without the student's consent."

"But this kid is a disciple of the main peak, no matter what, he must sell his face to the master of the peak, right?"

"If you say so, he has committed a crime and will definitely be punished."

Although they knew in their hearts that they wanted to really cure Xiao Yu's sins, or to give Xiao Yu a felony, that would be more difficult, but at least, over this round, they won.

The so-called victory means that while defeating Xiao Yu's spirit, it also minimizes Xiao Yu's prestige among the children of the outer continent.

In the longer term, it would make Xiao Yu even more isolated and helpless in the flag-grabbing meeting. This is what they want to see.

To be honest, they were not even afraid that Xiao Yu could win the first prize in the flag grabbing competition, and even less believed that Xiao Yu could compete with Fu Jingming for the first place.

They were just watching Xiao Yu's jokes, to see how high Xiao Yu could jump under their obstruction.

"This group of guys! What a shame!" On the other side of the crowd, Luo Feng looked at the group of people next to him with hatred, gritted his teeth.

The faces of Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu next to him were a bit unsightly.

In fact, they also knew that after Wu Qi went back yesterday, Xingtang would certainly not give up like this.

But what they didn't expect was that this time it was the Xingtang's main hall master who personally delivered the message, and that matter has developed to a more serious point.

At the end of the crowd, a beautiful figure in Tsing Yi looked at this scene, and it was Tang Ling'er.

Tang Ling'er's complexion was rudder than before, but his blood was still not too full, but Tang Ling'er didn't fluctuate much, but appeared relatively calm.

Perhaps she believed in Xiao Yu's strength, or perhaps guessed Hong Sheng's purpose.

In addition, such a scene is also a good thing for Tang Linger, because for Xiao Yu it is a thing that can experience oneself.

After all, things have not yet reached the point of getting out of control, so Tang Linger also believes in Xiao Yu.

Look at the figure in the hall again. It is neither humble nor overbearing, and there is no slight fluctuation in expression.

At this moment, several figures stood in front of Xiao Yu, and Wu Qi was still the leader.

Wu Qi stared at Xiao Yu coldly, with a sneer in his heart: Yesterday I asked you to come with me to the Xingtang. You won’t come, now it’s okay. The whole academy knows about you. Since you are going to tear your skin, then don’t leave it. Blame me.

"Xiao Yu, do you know what crime you committed?" Wu Qi asked coldly.

He had heard of Xiao Yu's reputation before, and it was the second time he had faced this guy.

It was only yesterday, the first time, that he didn't expect this guy to be so calm when faced with the situation that he brought people here.

But today is different. In his opinion, such a guy who likes to make troubles and causes troubles everywhere, and has made a lot of troubles in the academy, is destined to be unwilling in Xingtang.

"Be straightforward. Since that group of guys filed the complaint, how about punishing me directly."

As soon as these words were said, most people's faces showed weird colors.


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