Shura God Emperor

Chapter 4260: Step up practice

"Heihutang is too shameless now? It even made such a request."

"Yes, let Xiao Yu and them compare body, magic, and spiritual skills, and require a higher strength than Xiao Yu. Isn't this a bullying?"

Many students from other continents are whispering secretly. Although they didn't name them by name, it was obvious that they didn't understand or even spurned Bai Zhong's actions.

But there are also people who express their understanding from a rational perspective.

"Xiao Yu caused Weng Xiao to suffer before because Xiao Yu's strength is lower than Weng Xiao, and he himself violated Xingtang's rules, so this is understandable."

"Hey, the shot is out! Who made him and Fu Jingming have such a big fight?"

"It should be the time at the Colosseum. They just knotted the beams? Otherwise, why would Set Jingming stare at Xiao Yu?"

The entire upper house, and even the lower house, were discussing Xiao Yu.

Especially the group of people in the upper house who had received the benefits of the Jinshi flash technique, secretly worried for Xiao Yu.

Of course they want Xiao Yu to win, because only in this way can they continue to learn the Jinshi flash technique!

Instead, the local children of Cangling City placed more hope on Wu Qi, and they also expected Wu Qi to help them regain their shame.

On the pavilion of Hei Yanfeng, Xiao Yu and Tang Linger returned.

Xiao Yu seemed to have automatically filtered the voices in the academy, and looked indifferent at all.

"Things seem to develop according to your ideas." Tang Linger glanced at Xiao Yu and said.

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "They have long wanted to deal with me. Since they are going to cause me trouble, how can I do what they want."

"You seem to be very confident," Tang Ling'er said, with some teasing in her words.


Xiao Yu laughed dryly, and said, "Speaking of confidence, I don't dare to say that I have one hundred percent, but I have tried my best. Anyway, since they have united me to rectify me, I can't avoid it."

The rank of the Jinshi flash technique is still powerful, that is definitely not a problem, and the comparison between the two sides is still the same strength cultivation base, this is not without any chance for Xiao Yu.

It's just that the speed of the jinshi flash technique will be more rapid as the understanding of the power of space increases.

The question is, is it so easy to understand the power of the law of space?

It's not that the higher the strength, the easier it is to comprehend, and the more you can use!

That is to pay attention to a certain chance.

If it hadn't been that time for the sixth person to borrow the power of the law of space to Xiao Yu, how could he have a higher comprehension of the power of the law of space if Xiao Yu used this springboard?

Moreover, there are three days left, which is relatively urgent, and it is almost impossible to want more improvement.

"This ladder technique, I went to the library to read it when I was training, there are three levels, the highest level is called cloud stepping thousand meters, very fast."

"Even if his suppressing strength is the same as yours, the power of the ladder technique is reduced, but his understanding of the ladder technique for so long, the fastest speed should be 800 meters."

After that, Tang Linger looked at Xiao Yu.

The cloud treads thousands of meters, just listen to the name, and you can walk a distance of kilometers in one step. What speed is this?

Even if Xiao Yu's Jinshi flashing technique was used to the extreme, he could only reach a distance of 600 meters at most.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu had a slight headache.

But if you say it, it is equivalent to splashing water!

"The soldiers are here to cover the water and earth. I have to step up my practice for these three days."


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